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Putting yourself first

Life is busy and things get really messed up in life, but it is OK to put yourself first. Have you ever made a list of the important things in your life? Where do you fall on that list? Most of the time your name doesn’t even show up on the list. I’m giving you permission to put yourself on the list. The misconception about putting yourself first is that selfishness. This is not being selfish, this is smart. Think about all the things you do in a day and how many of those things you do for other people.…

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Episode #3: Are you showing up for yourself?

Episode #3: Are you showing up for yourself?

We Beat Fat Episode #3: Are you showing up for yourself? From the kitchen table: How’s your week been going?  Anything interesting you would like to share? What’s on the blog? Podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis   Topic of the week:  Are you showing up for yourself? Life does get busy and there are times when things just get…

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Friday File: podcasting, running, essential oils and more

Friday File: podcasting, running, essential oils and more

Happy Friday!  I’m starting something “new” on the blog called the Friday File.  I’ll be honest, it’s just the Friday Five but without the five.  The pressure to produce a list of the five things sometimes made me not want to do a weekly roundup. I feel like I’ve been hitting my stride this week in life, which means next week everything is going to fall apart.  I’m ok with that though.  I did some great things this week. If you haven’t listened to the podcast, you definitely should.  Having this podcast will add more content to the site and…

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Race Recap: Louisiana Marathon 2019 Weekend – Half Marathon

Race Recap: Louisiana Marathon 2019 Weekend – Half Marathon

Louisiana Marathon weekend happened a couple of weeks ago, but I never got around to talking about the events of the weekend. The event happened January 18-20, 2019 in Baton Rouge. The event didn’t go exactly as planned, but the weekend turned out great. This is the race weekend I look forward to every year. The atmosphere is great! The expo isn’t my favorite part because it’s very small. There isn’t really much to see or do so it’s really just a place to pick up your bib and see friends. There were a few extra things this year but…

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Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating

Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating

We Beat Fat Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week?  Are you achieving your goals? Did you set any goals at the start of the new year? This week’s podcast: perceptions of healthy eating The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, Facebook – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Healthy eating discussion: What did a typical day of eating look like for…

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I am making changes

I am making changes

I am making changes.  I’ve been hanging out without a plan for too long so now it’s time to change.  It’s ok to not have a plan, but I know I need a plan to get back on track. Before I get too far into this post, I want to tell you about the biggest change I’ve made.  Yesterday during the Super Bowl, I finally dropped my podcast.  Back in the day, I did podcasting before it cool and I talked about Gossip Girl.  This time around I’ll be talking self-improvement, weight loss, and some other things.  My co-host of…

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Episode #1: Reintroducing We Beat Fat

Episode #1: Reintroducing We Beat Fat

I’ve been slacking on content because I’ve been trying to put together a podcast.  I really should have put this episode up last week.  None of that matters because I’m putting it up now. Back in the day, I use to podcast about Gossip Girl and it’s something I really enjoyed doing and I just think it’s a natural progression of the blog now.  I am really looking for some help with the podcast.  So what kind of things do you want to hear on the podcast?  What topics do you want to be covered? We Beat Fat Episode #1:…

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Frozen vs. Fresh: The Produce debate

Frozen vs. Fresh: The Produce debate

Back in the day, I use to buy everything fresh and just prep the crap of out of it.  Now I don’t really have the time to do that with the little one running around.  But I also don’t know how to get my veggies in the way I want them buying them fresh.  My broccoli was always too hard, or I didn’t cook the green beans long enough.  There was always a problem. And then I started buying frozen vegetables.  I never thought this was a problem until there was a recall on some frozen vegetables at my grocery…

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Happy New Year! Are you buying into the …

Happy New Year! Are you buying into the hype?

Happy New Year!  I hope it’s been a great start to the year for you.  I wanted to pop in on the blog because this is the day everyone is trying to get their messages out into the world.  If I read one more post about setting goals and making resolutions, I think I might freak out.  That’s funny coming from me, right?  My blog is supposed to be about finding your best self, going after what you want, and just accomplishing something. The new year doesn’t mean you needed to have everything figured out on this day.  The new…

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Closing out 2018

Closing out 2018

Hey all!  It’s the last post of 2018.  It’s been a year and I would like do a rundown of 2018.  This post is going to be extremely personal, so if it’s something you would like to skip, I understand.  I’ll just see you in 2019!  If you want to keep reading, that is always welcome. I ended the year with a strong workout.  Let me tell you, I didn’t want to get up to do this workout but it’s important to me to finish out the year strong.  This isn’t the time to slack off.  It’s time to start…

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Forgetting my goals for 2018

Forgetting my goals for 2018

At the beginning of the year, I sat down all gung-ho with a notebook and wrote down some goals.  I had a long list of goals I wanted to accomplish in 2018.  My list was too long and I didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I thought I would. This list was lengthy but I learned that trying to do too much pulls your attention in too many different directions and you don’t get anything done.  I honestly forgot I even made this list until I opened up my notebook on Monday.  I am glad that I accomplished something on…

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