Five things I love right now: stretching, running, television, music and snacks

Reading the site you always see about my weight loss journey and all the things that come along with it and it’s left people wondering what else am I about. This is just a little something that you can find out a little bit more about me. Yes, some of it is still exercise related but that is a PART of me too.

1. I’m obsessed with this song. It’s hit my running playlist and just a song I listen to in the car! I watched Princesses of Long Island and this was the theme song. Every week I said I was going to find out who sang the song but I didn’t until the season finale, which I didn’t watch until last week. Baby Come Home by Scissor Sisters is my new favorite song. It’s got a cool beat and it’s just a chill song. I love it!

2. Fat free sugar free Jello Chocolate Fudge Pudding is my after dinner snack. Yes I know it’s filled with things that aren’t that great for you: modified cornstarch, maltodextrin and some other things but I really like it. This particular flavor blew my mind. I picked it up on a whim and I’m glad I did. It hits my chocolate fix and a I pair it with some fresh fruit. It’s so good and fudgey. I’m definitely sticking with that 80/20 rule.

3. Suits on USA Network is my newest TV addiction. I found out about Suits when I was watching the new show Graceland. It looked like something I would be interested in but the show was already on season three. Luckily the past seasons were available on Amazon Prime and I rolled through those episodes so fast. The show is really great. I love Gabriel Macht from his past work and of course, Gina Torres is always a hit. The show is phenomenal and it’s different from other lawyer dramas. It’s well written and has the best all around cast of any show I’ve seen in a long while. It’s funny, serious and though provoking at the same time.

4. Group Centergy is the money. Since I’ve been training for my marathon and running a bit more, I’ve learned the importance of stretching. Centergy is my class I look forward to most each week because I’m always in desperate need of a stretch. I am a product of BTS and I truly believe these group of classes was integral in my weight loss journey. There’s something for everyone: kick, weights, spinning, core, yoga/Pilates, dance, step and just overall fitness. The classes are designed to make a most of every class and I love it. I’ve learned so much and still continue to go to most of these classes.

But I also like going to Sarah’s and Charla’s class too. We’re not talking or hanging out but it’s time I get to spend with some friends so that makes it worth while too. Plus, my friends attend class too so that’s always fun!

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5. I love my running shoes. This is probably no surprise to you but I have a new reason to love them. I was having some major knee problems which I thought was due to my shoes and lack of getting a good stretch in after my runs. I had to put my shoes aside and go back to my old shoes and that made me very sad. I love both pairs of running shoes I have but I was excited to try something different. Plus, I already spent the $115 on the shoes and I wanted to run in them. After my knee problem kind of cleared up, I started to think the shoes weren’t the problem and it was just the stretching and I think I was right. I’ve been running in these shoes for a couple of weeks and I even ran the half last weekend in these shoes. Everything worked out great and I’m glad that I am able to wear them again…and not waste the money.

The one thing I’m not loving right now is traveling. I intended to go to Gulf Shores this weekend to hang with my bestie but plans had to change due to an unforeseen circumstance. I’m bummed that I won’t be making the trip because I always have a great time with her and her family in Gulf Shores. I am not not bummed about making the trip in the car by myself. It’s a double edged sword but I’ll have to fill my time with something else.

I have a lot of traveling to do over the next couple of months so I should be gearing up for everything.

I’m running a 5K race tonight since my plans changed…on a bridge. I’m not sure if I’m ready for hill repeats but I have been running a lot of hills lately. I’m not looking for anything spectacular so the expectations are low. I just want to run with my friends and support a great organization!

What are your plans for the weekend?

Tunes Tuesday: Inspiration To Go

Tunes Tuesday: Inspiration To Go

I’m a firm believer that music does help guide a workout so that’s why I’ve put together some songs that may help you push through the best and worse workouts! This is your inspiration to go list! It’s always great to have a good motivational song come on while I’m working out because it sometimes gives me a second wind when I need it the most. When I know I’m going to have a challenging day at the gym or on a run, I will put this playlist on. What song pushes you through your work out?

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A Workout Review: Spinning and Marathon Training

A Workout Review: Spinning and Marathon Training

Last week was a very busy week for me.  Since I’ve started teaching spinning I haven’t had enough time to go to my friend/mentor/favorite person in the world’s spin class.  It kind of bums me out.  I’ve been working hard on not over training but this past week I sucked it up and just went.  It was awesome.  So here’s a look at last week’s workouts.  Sunday was a rest day for me. Monday: 4 Mile morning run and group power in the evening! It was Tori’s last day teaching at the gym so I went to her Group Power…

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New month, new goals

New month, new goals

I haven’t done a goals post in a while and I thought it is necessary to move forward.  Not having a set of clear goals for the month kind of messes with my head and it just seems better when I know I am working toward something.  I know that I’m always working toward something, but it’s easier to fudge on those goals when you haven’t written them down and held accountable for them.  So here are my goals for August 2013. 1. Not to overly workout.  The other day when I was reading Ashley’s blog, she linked to an…

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68 miles taught me never to give up

68 miles taught me never to give up

Sunday I rode my bike 68 miles.  That is officially the longest bike ride I’ve ever been on and to say I was nervous was a huge understatement. I teach spin all the time but being on the bike is a totally different thing. Before I get too far into the story, I must share with you the yummy breakfast Willie made me. It was soo good and I think I might make it a race day staple now. He took a Flatout Bread and spread some Better’n Butter (but regular peanut butter would work too) and sliced banana and…

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Hello I think I have arthritis in my …

Hello I think I have arthritis in my knee

I’ve made MULTIPLE trips to my physical therapist the past couple of weeks to deal with a flare up. Last year when I knew nothing about running I totally injured myself in the form of an IT Band injury. It totally sucked so I took the time to educate myself on running and training injury free. We all know this year I’ve been running a little bit more, right? I had a new “injury” pop up this week and it had me a little worried. My knee became really tight and I didn’t know WTF was going on, but then…

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FAQ: Do you listen to music when you …

FAQ: Do you listen to music when you workout?

It’s question and answer time here at We Beat Fat. This week I’m talking about my music. The simple answer to this question is: yes, I do listen to music when I workout. It wasn’t always like that though. When we first started out walking on the treadmill, I watched a lot of television to pass the time. Our gym has the fancy machines with televisions on every machine, so that it made it nice. As I got use to walking on the treadmill, I ended up switching to music because it helped me keep pace. I used my music…

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Yes, I can hear you. My body is …

Yes, I can hear you. My body is speaking to me.

I don’t think I’ve been taking care of my body lately, but it all stops today. Maybe I’ve been doing too much, but I really don’t think that is the case.  I do a lot all the time and I don’t see why it would come up and get me like this.  But I’ve suffered a hamstring something.  It’s not really keeping me down, it’s just bugging the heck of out me.  I know what it happened; I didn’t stretch very well.  I was keeping to a very strict stretching and foam rolling routine, but I got off of it…

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Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

This time last year I was side lined with an injury. I didn’t know much about anything and I was going on a hope and a prayer. I am taking the time to really educate myself and learn from my mistakes. People often say they aren’t hungry or don’t eat before workouts, but there are reasons that you should. I have really stepped up my research on this because I’m about to begin training for my first marathon. Plus, I just want to stay healthy and injury free in life anyway. I already told you that I’m insane when it…

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FAQ: My workout routine

FAQ: My workout routine

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail and messages about my food and my workout routine. This morning I thought I would talk about my workout routine and how it’s changed from the beginning our journey to now. I want to first note I am not a doctor or expert on the subject and if you are planning on taking up a exercise routine or diet you should consult a physician first. The first day we went to the gym, I hopped on the treadmill for thirty minutes and no incline. I just walked at a pace that was good…

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The one about lacking the motivation

The one about lacking the motivation

This past weekend was doozie for me.  I didn’t really want to talk to anyone, do anything, or even concentrate on television.  I completely lacked the motivation to move.  All I wanted to do was sit on the couch and maybe watch some television, but that was a BIG maybe. I don’t know what put me in this horrible mood, but it happened.  Last Friday I decided I needed a work out break because my workouts that week sounded like I was ordering hamburgers from Wendy’s:  triple (M), double (Tu), triple (W) and double (Th).  When Saturday morning came around…

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