Does the journey ever really end?

This day in 2011, Willie and I decided that it was time for a change.  Together we took the steps to lose weight and transform our lifestyle.  This morning I woke up to tell Willie today was the day and he didn’t remember.  I take that as a good thing because that means we’ve come a long way.

I still remember everything about that day.  The conversation we had and how I really wanted to get barbecue that day for dinner. I know it sounds silly, but I still remember.  The next day Willie and I went to the gym together for the first time.  We walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  I remember being totally exhausted when we were done.

This day in 2011 @fueledxrunning and I decided to make a lifestyle change. Big change in life but totally worth it! #fitfluential #teamchocolatemilk #nuunlove #weightloss #fitfam

Flash forward to now:  we’re both marathoners.  We still workout 5-6 days a week.  I teach group fitness at our gym.  I’m in the best shape of my life. But I sit here contemplating, does the journey ever really end?

I have to say no.  At the first, the journey was about losing the weight.  It was about incorporating the healthy habits into daily life so those things would become a healthy lifestyle.  When I reached my goal weight, the journey started to become singular.  It was time to break away from our goals to our own personal goals.

The journey transformed into finding my way in the non-weight loss mode life.  It was hard.  I struggled.  I felt lost and I did feel a lot of anxiety.  The biggest fear of anyone losing weight is gaining it back.  We’ve all seen the stories, people lose the weight and then they gain it all back.  Our pictures were floating around the internet and people would post mean nasty things about us gaining the weight back in a year. That terrified me and for a long time it held me hostage.  I would be upset when I stepped on the scale and saw some gains.  My mind would go to the worse possible conclusions.

At that moment, the journey became an emotional one.  The part of the journey where I had to build my self confidence and trust myself.  I had to learn to let the fear exist but not take over my life. I had to trust that I would make the right decisions day in and day out and just lead a happy life.  That’s when the running came in because it helped with the fears and then I fell in love with it.

The journey has continued into truly living the healthy life, finding happiness and staying happy!  The emotional eater in me still rears it’s ugly head sometimes but I’m proud to say I don’t make the choices I made before.  I will always struggle with my food addiction but it doesn’t control me anymore.  I can move forward and live and that’s the most important thing for me.

Willie and I are always learning new things and finding new ways to continue on the path to success.  I am proud that say that 3 years later, we are still considered a success story especially in our hearts and minds.  It’s always a good day when you can look back to see how far you’ve come.

2015: A year of new goals

2015: A year of new goals

I’ve been contemplating my goals for the new year.  I’m taking a new approach to my goals this year.  I sat down to think about what I accomplish in the new year and most of them come in the form of being true to myself and using my voice.  It seems to be more internal than physical.  I don’t know what that really means. 1.  I want to stay true to myself.  I’m a people pleaser, I don’t want people to be upset or hurt by my actions. That sometimes interferes with my thought making process because I make decisions…

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Hello 2015!

Hello 2015!

The post is late, but I wanted to share how I spent the first day of the year with you.  First off, I want to tell you how I spent New Year’s Eve! First I carb loaded and then… I went to sleep at 9pm. This morning we got up early so I could run a marathon.  I know you’re shocked, right?  The race recap will be up tomorrow but I wanted to show you the medal.  It’s the one on left and it weighs 3.1 pounds. It’s kind of heavy. After the race, we stopped by Panera Bread to…

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Approach the New Year with an open mind

Approach the New Year with an open mind

The new year is coming which means it’s time to make new plans.  It’s time to move forward.  It’s time to leave 2014 in the past.  The door of possibilities swings open again, so don’t be close minded!  Take the time to explore new avenues of in life.  Try something that you never thought you would do.  Even if you don’t like or love it, at least you tried it! This is the time to start anew.  The best piece of advice I can give to you is to set goals and do everything in your power to achieve those…

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No more waiting for what you want

No more waiting for what you want

It’s that time of year when we start to make New Year’s resolutions.  Today is December 28th and most people are going to wait until January 1st to start living their “new” ways.  But why are you waiting?  Why not get a jump start on what you want right now? I never understood the waiting until this specific date to make something happen.  If if the new year you’re trying to tackle better habits or lead a healthier life?  Why wait until January 1st?  Why not start developing those habits right now. Waiting will get you no where.  Waiting will…

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Make this right now: Pecan Pistachio Salad

Make this right now: Pecan Pistachio Salad

I promised I would share some healthier dishes that you can add to your Christmas and New Years celebrations.  I served it up at my family Christmas this past weekend and everyone was surprised it was something that I made.  Everyone thought it was more sinful than what it actually was.  It’s simple and easy and doesn’t take long to make.  Here is what you need: 1/2 cup crushed pineapple 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1 package SUGAR FREE Pistachio pudding mix 1 32 oz container plain or vanilla lowfat Greek Yogurt Mix the pineapple, pudding mix and greek yogurt a…

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Race Recap: BCS Marathon

Race Recap: BCS Marathon

My double header weekend ended with the BCS Marathon in College Station, TX!  We literally finished Brazos Bend and jumped in the car to get to College Station for packet pick-up!  I hate that we didn’t make in time for the expo, but we did make it there in time for the start of late pick up. Everyone was eyeing us because we already had medals on.  It was kind of awkward but funny.  We decided to take a picture by the tree.  At this point we had been in the car for almost two hours and we were starting…

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Christmas presents for your health minded person

Christmas presents for your health minded person

Next week is Christmas.  Have you done your shopping?  I haven’t done much shopping at all.  I should probably get on it.  Just in case you’re still searching for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer, I thought I would go ahead and put my list out there.  All the lists out there seem to be the same: running shoes, running fuel, blah blah blah.  Here is my list of great gifts for your fitness/health junkie friends: The price buster: An iPod.  I know you can listen to music on  your phone and most people do.  But I think it’s great…

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Good comes from a bad day

Good comes from a bad day

Yesterday was a pretty bad day.  Things has progressively gotten better throughout the day but it had taken a toll on me mentally.  A series of unfortunate events finally led me to the road.  I needed to burn off some of the stress that had been building all day. I hit the road to clear my mind. I felt really good when I was done. I was back in a better head space and I was ready to relax! But then this happened! The bus aka The Sequoia had a really bad flat. When I got out of the car…

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Race Recap: St. Jude Memphis Marathon

Race Recap: St. Jude Memphis Marathon

Please excuse me while I talk about this race with great emotion.  This race was supposed to be my first race last year but we all know what happened.  This year it was Willie’s first marathon!  When we arrived in Memphis, I felt like I was running a marathon for the first time.  I was nervous.  I was excited.  I didn’t know what to expect.  There was only one thing I was interested in: watching Willie cross the finish line. Willie has a strict “no running with me” rule and I had to abide by it.  It’s probably a good…

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The St. Jude Memphis Marathon is happening…

The St. Jude Memphis Marathon is happening…

Willie and I hopped in the car to drive to Memphis for the big marathon.  Willie will be running his first marathon and I’ll be adding another state to my marathon quest.  It’s a moment for me but it’s a BIG moment for Willie. That’s why he drove the entire 8 hours.  But we didn’t listen to Serial which an incredibly addicting podcast.  It’s so good! This morning we went on short shake out run. Riding in the car for 8 hours will kill your legs. Plus, I had a less than desirable run on Wednesday. No one wants to…

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