Week in review 2021 #2

Hello all. I hope everyone is having a great start to the week. The week in review is a chance to talk about my workouts, what I ate, and everything in between. This is a way for me to show you how I try to incorporate healthy living into my everyday life. Plus, it’s a way for you to get to know more about me.  

Week in Review 2021 #2

On my mind:

Life is busy, and I feel bogged down in everyday tasks. The beginning of the year typically is VERY BUSY for me, but right now, I feel like I’m struggling to keep up. I mentioned this last week, and I’m trying to stay away from the “failing” feeling and replacing it with accomplishment. There are 24 hours in a day, and I like to get as many things done in one day as I possibly can. But not getting all those things done is also ok. Those are the things I need to remember when I’m struggling or not motivated to get things done. We have to listen to ourselves because we are the people who know ourselves the best. Know when to go full speed ahead and when you need to back off. It’s easier said than done, but I’m working on having this mindset.

What I ate:

Week in review 2021 #2
I tend to overbuy food. Food waste is a big problem for me, so I tried to lessen the blow of food waste this week. I purchased a pound of salmon, which was enough for dinner all week. I paired the salmon with Brussels sprouts and wild rice. I ate a HelloFresh meal of sweet and spicy ground beef and cabbage over rice for lunch this week. (I didn’t take a picture of this meal, but I did get it in my video if you want to take a look.) I stopped at Subway to get a protein bowl, a salad with a higher price tag, but it was just a salad.

It was a straightforward week. It was nice to have my meals prepped and ready for me. I mentioned I was staying away from alcohol this month, and it’s working out fine. A few days, I wanted a glass of wine or wanted a beer, but I fought the craving. Instead, I’ve been drinking Kombucha. The sugar intake has been excellent. I am trying to avoid excessive amounts of added sugar. Added sugar has consistently been an issue for me in the last months of 2020. I feel like I am tackling this issue very well, and my sugar cravings have reduced drastically. I have been drinking smoothies or eating fruit to get my sugar fix.  

My workouts:

Week in review 2021 #2
As I mentioned, the time hasn’t been on my side, so getting any workout is always a victory. I managed to get five days of activities this week. My goal is to carve out at least 30 minutes for five days. The weather fluctuated wildly this week, so I took another week off running. I am working on getting a treadmill to combat this gap in my training. Do you know how hard it is to find a treadmill at this moment? It’s almost impossible.

Monday: 5 min warmup + 30 minute Pop ride (Peleton) + 10 min cool down ride

Tuesday: 10 min strength warmup + 30 min full-body strength (Peleton) + 10 min cool down walk (Peleton)

Wednesday: 5 min warmup + 30 min Pop ride (Peleton) + 10 min cooldown ride (Peleton)

Thursday: REST

Friday: 30 min pop ride (Peleton) + 15 min EDM ride (Peleton) + 10 min cooldown ride 

Saturday: 3.10-mile power walk

Everything else:

Week in review 2021 #2

I am trying to make more intentional time to spend with Tot. I’ve been putting the phone away, turning off the iPad, and turning the TV off to spend more time together. She appreciates it, and it’s nice for both of us to get away from the screen for a bit. With life so busy, it’s essential to take the moments for intentional time together. It’s easy to think that being around someone = time together. That is nice, also, but it’s essential to have good quality time together.

Remember when I got into my minor car accident? The insurance company finally came out to assess the damage, and unfortunately, my car was totaled. A trailer ball hitch came off someone’s car, got lodged under my vehicle, and poked a hole in my floorboard. I thought it was a small hole, and I continued to drive my car. The hole turned out to be the size of a soccer ball and wasn’t worth the repair. It’s a sad day that I had to get another car because I did like that car. I planned on getting a new car after I knew the business was getting back to normal after the pandemic, but that day came a bit sooner. 

I am staying on track with my devotional. I may not do it every day, but I am getting it done daily for the most part. I am reading the Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff devotional, and it is speaking to me every day. These are things I need to hear to grow in life. I highly recommend this devotional. The readings are short but powerful.  

My goal is to read a book a month, and I’ve jumped back into Ready Player Two. It’s not my favorite book so far, but I’m going to see it through until the end.  

Videos this week:

I didn’t exactly meet my content goals this week, but I’m still working on it. Content creation is not my full-time gig, so making the time or getting it all done sometimes falls by the wayside. I’m still here, working and creating as much content as I can during this busy time. The most important thing is I’m not giving up or giving in; I’m making it work for me and still making content creation a PRIORITY.

Question of the week:

How do you manage your time? Do you often feel like you’re dropping the ball in your daily life? What are your main priorities of the week?


Week in review #6 2020

Week in review #6 2020

Hello, friends. It’s time for the week in review. We made it to the end of November, which means Christmas and Hanaka are around the corner. Covid scaled-down Thanksgiving this year. It was different and weird, but still enjoyable. It was nice not having to stress about big preparations or even trying to map out what Black Friday shopping I would be doing and when, since most shopping was done online.  This week, I planned to get some freelance and content planning done, but Tiny Tot had other plans. She came up with a case of pink eye, which I…

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Week in Review #4 2020

Week in Review #4 2020

Hello, friends. I feel like I just did this post, probably because I was late putting the last week in review up. It’s been a week. I’ve tried to stay off of social media due to the nastiness of what went on. It’s been nice to have a bit of a break. My Tot had some sinus issues this week, which made her a bit whiny. That’s mom’s life, though. She’s feeling better, but it’s made me work that much harder.   The blog suffered a bit, but I did get my gift guide for runners.  I worked hard on this…

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Week in Review #1 2020

Week in Review #1 2020

Welcome to the week in review where I recap the week  (weekly workouts, what I ate, what I did), and the things I learned along the way. Compared to the past few weeks, this week has been perfect. If you’ve been watching my videos, you know I haven’t been sleeping well the past few weeks, but this week has been much better. I’ve been sleeping throughout the night now, and I may be waking up earlier than I want, but I feel like I’m getting quality sleep. So what have I’ve been doing differently? The two noticeable things were different…

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Lessons from the social distancing thing

Lessons from the social distancing thing

Hello all, from a social distancing house. Can you believe what’s going on in the world right now? Did you ever think someone would tell you shouldn’t leave your home? It’s really a tough situation, but we are stronger together. Please give yourself the grace to feel whatever it is you need to feel, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Some days you might be super motivated to get stuff done, and other days you might want to sit around in your pajamas.  It’s a time in life when we aren’t in control of the things happening around us, but…

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One tough mother can. Motherhood isn’t the …

One tough mother can. Motherhood isn’t the end.

Sometimes I feel like women people say they want a family or are pregnant, there’s just a bunch of negativity that automatically comes back.  The world is suddenly filled with all the things you “can’t” and “won’t” want to do.  It’s more than unfair that people expected me to give up my dreams or dim my light due to the fact I was a popping put a baby. Why as a woman are we challenged by what we want to do when having a child, but a man isn’t? One tough mother can find a way to find her “all.”…

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Healthy eating and the toddler

Healthy eating and the toddler

Healthy eating for the toddler just doesn’t seem to be happening.  It’s been a huge struggle in my life lately because she’s only into bread, crackers, cheese, or macaroni and cheese.  The things she once ate, she doesn’t eat anymore.  I don’t really know what happened but my child has taken the wrong turn in her eating journey. And she’s adamant about it too.  She will just not eat the food that is placed in front of her. She will not eat all day. She’s a trooper. The food will sit out in hopes of her getting hungry and wanting to…

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Blog break for a 2nd birthday

Blog break for a 2nd birthday

I hope you don’t mind but I’m taking a break from the blog today because it’s Tiny Tot’s birthday. I’ve been trying to spend the day with her. It’s been a great day. She’s changed my world so much and she’s made me really re-think everything important in my life. It’s been a plesure to watch her learn and grow into the little person that she is now. It’s amazing to see her turn into a full functioning human. She’s the greatest thing to happen to me but the scariest thing too. To be responsible, to learn balance, to learn…

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The 18-month old

The 18-month old

My baby (to be known as Tiny Tot) turned 1 and a half (in mom terms 18 months). I’ve never really had to opportunity to talk about her much on the blog because I didn’t think there was a place for it. Guess what? It’s the place for it now. I’ve been blessed to be able to spend time with my child and still work full-time. Sometimes it’s challenging and sometimes it’s just not easy. There are days when I do have to depend on the care of others to help me out, but for the most part, she’s with…

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Childhood Obesity: Parents aren’t to blame

Childhood Obesity: Parents aren’t to blame

Willie and I spent the weekend with our god child.  It was a very fun experience and it taught me one thing:  I’m not ready to parent yet.  It’s always great to take care of someone else’s child and give them back!  We get the good times and they get to raise the child. On the way to our weekend adventure Willie and I talked about who is to blame for childhood obesity.  Growing up I was always the bigger kid in the class.  I was taller and rounder and I was just different.  As I grew older I became…

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