Food doesn’t control me

Back in the day, eating was a main event.  I use to get excited about it.  There was so many possibilities and so many meals to be had.


In college, this girl’s favorite thing to do was slam 20 chicken nuggets, large fries and two cheeseburgers.  I use to really enjoy a big drink and an extra large portion of chili cheese tater tots for a snack.  I would REALLY get excited about those things.  Eating was my sport of choice and I loved every minute of it.

Fast forward to now, I’m really not that excited about food. I lived to eat and now I eat to live.  That’s the biggest difference in me now.  Don’t get me wrong, I can enjoy a great plate of Greek or Lebanese food but it’s really not the same.

I use to bake cookies and brownies and eat them all. I would get mad if people at my stuff too. I wouldn’t share. I hated sharing. Remember when Miranda ate cake of out the garbage on Sex and The City? I did that too!

Everything in my life was centered around food.  I would spend quality time with friends over a meal.  I would eat out fast food every meal of the day.  There were so many options and I had to explore them all.  I would frequent the Golden Corral or the Chinese buffet of choice because I got more bang for my buck. Now things just aren’t the same.

Food doesn't control me #weightloss #weightlossjourney

Food had so much power over me.  Food was comfort for good days, bad days and everything in between. Food sometimes was the adhesive strip that covered the bullet holes of the day.  I used food to make me feel better. Food was my best friend when I celebrated the good times and was there to console me in the bad times.  Food was my also my friend when I was bored or wanted someone to watch television with me.

I can’t not have you read this and think that I’m past all of these things.  If I were to tell you that, it would be a big lie.  There are moments when I’m upset that I think rolling through McDonald’s at the end of a bad day could make me feel better.  There are times when it would just be convenient to pick up something really quickly.  It’s easy to want to indulge after finishing a race and you’re proud of the accomplishment.

We still struggle with the social aspect of food because whenever someone wants to celebrate they want to sit down to a big meal.  It’s hard trying to find the balance of living within the boundaries we have set for ourselves and still maintaining those social connections.

In the end, it’s not about moving past the issue; it’s about dealing with the issues and taking the power back.  I will struggle with my food problems for the rest of my life.  Food was my addiction.  Food held all the power and I’m learning everyday how to take that power back.  Things have gotten easier, but it doesn’t mean I don’t fight for it everyday.

I fight for it because it was something I had to do.  I needed a change and this is what change has gotten me.  I know I am stronger than what I once was before in life.  Even if I fall off track, I know I’m strong enough to pull myself back on the path and keep moving forward.

Instead of choosing food for comfort, I choose food that will make me strong. I choose to take control. I choose to be healthy. I choose to be the best version of myself by not letting food be my best friend. I choose to be my own best friend and show myself that I am capable, strong and determined. I don’t need to find that comfort in food anymore.

Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

I have to be honest, I’m writing this for myself today. Notice that I haven’t been as bright and friendly around the blog parts lately? Things haven’t been good but things are better. I think I was just left feeling a little lost after the month of the February. I had a little struggle that turned into something big and I didn’t deal with it right. I resorted to old habits and that kind of scared me. I lost motivation. I lost my drive. I was consumed and over taken by my emotions and it just left me empty. No…

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Time to catch up

Time to catch up

I’ve been out of this week. I’ve been out of touch and haven’t really been living the plan. It’s kind of made me a little chaotic and doing some weird things. No talk about meal prepping this week because I didn’t cook this week. Plus, I had been stock piling meals for these weeks when I knew I was going to be super busy and wouldn’t have enough time to prep. So we’ve been eating a lot of the same. Willie made this deliciousness for dinner this week. I’ve been enjoying it! I’m glad that he’s back to cooking and…

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Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

The week is almost over and I can’t wait for it to end. It’s been a hard week or a couple of hard weeks have really hit me hard. A lot things haven’t gone right, but I’ve been good at focusing on the good things. This week, I’ve been trying to step my game up. I upped my weights in Group in Power on Monday morning. I’m trying to stay focused on moving forward and not looking back. And then some pretty negative things happened Monday during the day. I thought all types of negative things. I thought about things…

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