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What was the hardest thing about losing weight?

FYI: This is going to be a new section of the blog.  It’s going to be the question of the week.  Sometimes I’ll take questions from what people ask me or sometimes I’ll talk about some questions that have come to my attention through reading and just normal life. This week I took the question from almost every person I’ve met in the past 2 years.  This is tricky for me because I really don’t know if people want to know the real answer.  You may not like the truth that I’m about to lay out here…or it may not…

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Race Recap: Revel Rockies Marathon

Race Recap: Revel Rockies Marathon

On Sunday, I ran the Revel Rockies Marathon that ended in Morrison, CO.  I can’t tell you where it started because we had to take a bus to the top and there was no cell signal. This was the very first Revel ROCKIES race, so it was cool to be apart of the event. The race started at 6:00 am but we had to catch a shuttle to the top between 3:30 am – 4:15am. When I was leaving my hotel, there were people still partying. It was kind of funny! They dropped us off at the top but we…

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Race Recap: Run The Rockies 10K

Race Recap: Run The Rockies 10K

This past Saturday I ran an 10K!  I really wanted to go on a hike but since I was doing this trip by myself I didn’t want to be roaming the Rocky Mountains by myself and risk something happening to me.  I’m not an experienced hiker either so I decided that a trail run would be in order. My training plan called for an easy 3 miler and I cut my mid week run a little shorter to not overload my mileage. I took a gnarly 90 minute ride outside of Denver to Frisco, CO for this race. This was…

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Back from Colorado

Back from Colorado

It’s been a long weekend but one that I definitely needed.  I’ve been really stressed and a little unhappy with things in my life so I needed some time to just loosen up and have a good time.  The only thing that really sucked about this trip was Willie couldn’t go with me.  I really enjoy having adventures with my husband but this one we couldn’t make work. I had a great time.  I have lots to blog about so I’ll be loading up the blog to get things out of the way.  I really planned on doing more blogging…

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Things I’m looking forward to doing in …

Things I’m looking forward to doing in Denver

Note: This post was written on the plane this morning but I couldn’t get a wifi connection to post it earlier. I’m still posting it though because I took the time to write it. I had a super early flight this morning. I had to leave the house at 2:30am to make it to the airport. Obviously, that was too early for breakfast so I had to wait until after I made it through security. I packed some traditional oats in my backpack. When I found a coffee shop I got a cup of hot water and made my oats.…

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What’s in my race pack?

What’s in my race pack?

I’m leaving for Denver soon for the Revel Rockies Inaugural Marathon and I’m so excited.  The only thing about traveling is you have to pack.  I really dislike packing because I’m an over packer.  I don’t want to forget anything! Plus when I’m going away for a race, I never know what I’m going to want to wear.  I have to bring options!  It’s always hard! But first, did you see my ice bucket challenge from yesterday? Now back to my trip! As far as the food goes, I’m limited until I can get there.  I measured out my oatmeal…

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This week’s snack attack: homemade salsa is …

This week’s snack attack: homemade salsa is on the list

It’s a marathon week so I don’t do weights.  I didn’t go to my usual group Power class this morning.  Instead, I stayed in and did some strength training with the ladies of Tone It Up.  I seriously love these workouts.  You can get them for free on their youtube or buy a DVD like I did!  I started the program at the beginning of the summer and within weeks I noticed a difference.  These workouts are the bomb for toning up and looking fabulous. While I was working out, I was thinking about food.  Is that a bad thing?…

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The truth about stress

The truth about stress

Wondering where I’ve been the past couple of weeks?  I’ve been stressed.  It’s left my unmotivated to do much.  I’ve still be working out because HELLO that’s a big stress reliever.  I think if I didn’t workout, I would be a bundle of nerves and anxiety.  When I’m stressed or in a foul mood, the blog is really the thing that suffers. It’s easy to talk about all the great things going on in life but when things aren’t so great sometimes it’s just hard to find the words.  It’s hard to find the words to motivate and inspire others…

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The runner’s version of “Would You Rather”

The runner’s version of “Would You Rather”

I saw this game of would your rather on my friend Lauren’s site and I thought it would be fun. Everyone is always saying they want to know a little bit more about me so I thought this would be a perfect chance to shed some light on me! 1. Would you rather run a 5k or a marathon? This one is easy. I would rather run a marathon. 5ks are great but I can run those in my neighborhood. I love the challenges of a marathon and feeling like I’ve worked really hard for something. There’s nothing wrong with…

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Friday happys for a Happy Friday

Friday happys for a Happy Friday

This week I haven’t really be into anything.  My mind is on Denver next week which kind of made this week kind of blah for me. I haven’t been motivated to do much so I’ve kind of just been off.  I probably just needed a little a reality break though.  I’ve still done my weekly workouts and celebrated birthdays so that’s been a major positive.  It’s just been a really down week as far as enthusiasm but not in spirit.  I’ve been hanging in there LIKE A BOSS! Sadly the blog has suffered…just a tiny bit. Here are a few…

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Stay hydrated. Drink water!

Stay hydrated. Drink water!

At the beginning of the summer Willie started this water drinking thing because he felt like he wasn’t getting enough.  He started doing it so of course I jumped on it too.  I just didn’t use that annoying app that has reminders to drink all the time.  (Truth: Every time that sucker went off I was more inclined to use the bathroom instead of drinking water.) But it really got my thinking, do I drink enough water?  We’ve been told since we were little that we needed 8 glasses of water per day.  But then I read this on PBS:…

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