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Hitting those September 2015 goals

It’s a new month and I’m actually kind of excited for everything to come.  The arrival of September is a relief (maybe the temperatures will go down) and excites me.  It’s been a long summer and September kind of means that summer is coming to a close. I was pretty serious about doing these goal setting posts in the past but kind of fell off for one reason or anything.  I have to make it a point of doing these posts to remind myself of things I should strive towards in the future.  Also, it just helps to write these…

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Motivation to find what you want.

Motivation to find what you want.

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Things are good in life which really had me thinking, what do I want out of life? I am a very goal oriented person so I function best when I am building or working toward something. That’s just my nature. But have you ever really stop to think, “what do I want out of life?” The time to think about that thing is now. If you know what you want, then you’ll be more likely to go after it. There are people who talk about things they want out of…

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Five Things Friday: The mailbox edition

Five Things Friday: The mailbox edition

Sorry for no blog yesterday, I really wasn’t feeling it.  I had a core workout I was going to share with the class, but my heart wasn’t in it. Thursday is usually the day I leave open to talk about life on the blog but it just wasn’t coming to me and putting in a core workout just didn’t seem…right. It was probably just a good day to take a break from blogging. It’s Five Things Friday but I only have one thing to tell you. Today I am here to tell you that I’m reopening the mailbox!  This means I will…

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WIAW: Lots of salad or nothing at all

WIAW: Lots of salad or nothing at all

Hello all! Happy Wednesday. I wasn’t going to do this post because I really haven’t wanted to eat much of anything since the race on Saturday. I have to set reminders for meal time. I just haven’t been hungry. But I have all these food pictures so it’s only right for a What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW). On Thursday night, I threw together a stir fry. Willie made some really yummy food last week but on this particular night I wanted something else. This is what I threw together very quickly. Friday night I went to Salata to get a salad…

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Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Nutrient dense foods vs. empty calories is something I’ve been wanting to address on the blog for a long time. I don’t know why I haven’t done it before now. It’s summer and I’m training for a marathon (SHOCKER!) and it’s important for me to get all the great nutrients out of my food that I possibly can…especially now that we’ve switched to a plant-based diet. The harder the workouts, the more I need to replace all that stuff leaving my body. Food is fuel and that is something you should remember when you’re consuming your calories.  Food fuels our…

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Race Recap: Habanero Hundred 50K

Race Recap: Habanero Hundred 50K

I spent the past weekend running through the woods with some totally amazing people. Here’s my video: We did the Habanero Hundred ultra that started at noon.  It was a fun fun time. It’s really about the people that make an event so special.  I do spend a lot of time racing by myself and I always forget how great it is just to be around friends.  (Yep, that’s right.  I said it.) I really needed this to get back on track. Our group had 3 relay teams and 4 people doing the individual events. If you’re from Texas, you know…

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The end of a Friday

The end of a Friday

I should be sleeping right now since I’ll be running 32 miles tomorrow in the heat but I’m not.  I’m up.  I couldn’t stop thinking about posting this blog post. I couldn’t end Friday without it. We drove to outside Austin today.  It was a nice day.  The temperature seems to have calmed a bit and the sun was shining. I just can’t get over how beautiful the day turned out to be.  Makes me want to drive a long way with the windows down and the radio up. We did get stuck in traffic so time was limited.  There…

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Meal Prep: Meatloaf all week

Meal Prep: Meatloaf all week

Hey all!  I hope you’re having a great day and enjoying the food that you’re eating.  I know I am.  I wanted to share some tips on making leftovers new again.  I know people who CAN NOT eat the same foods day in and day out.  I am not one of those people.  I am a creature of habit and it really won’t bother me to eat the same meal all week.  That’s probably why I consider meal prepping easy. I’ve been eating the same breakfast everyday for a LONG time.  Some people can’t do that so I want to…

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3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

Listening to music during your workout can work wonders.  If you’re having a bad day, turn on some tunes and get it rolling.  There is nothing wrong with turning up the tunes during your workout and in fact it helps out a bunch. For some reason today, I’ve been in a musical mood. Singing and shaking has been my thing so I just had to share with your some reasons to listen to music during your workout: When you’re listening to music, you’re more inclined to get with the beat.  If the beat is pumping, you’re going to kick in the…

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Running a 50K and other random things

Running a 50K and other random things

I’m taking the plunge and I’m running a 50K this weekend at the Habenero Hundred.  Remember when I said I need to change and be true to myself, well this is just something I need to do. Now, I don’t know if running a 50K in Texas at noon is really being true to myself since I said I wouldn’t be an ultramarathoner last year. But I’ve gotten a couple under my belt now so whether I like it or not, I am an ultra marathoner. I just need to do something to reset myself and running in the woods…

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Be true to yourself

Be true to yourself

Excuse me for a moment while I set the mood. Play the song and read the blog post: I haven’t been true to myself.  I think I’ve been playing.  I’ve been trying a little to hard to be someone that I am not.  At the root of it all, I am still the same person but with some better attributes.  I think I lost myself.  Lately, I’ve found myself unhappy, stressed, confused, indecisive, scattered, negative and unfocused.  I don’t really feel like I’ve been myself this year at all.  I’ve been floundering; I’ve been hiding. It’s time to put an…

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