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Happy Halloween and the Corner Store Run

I’m not really a big fan of Halloween.  I don’t like dressing up and I’m not a huge fan of candy.  I never really enjoyed it as a young child either.  I don’t like to be scared or spooked and I know that’s only one side of the holiday.  It’s just not for me.  I love others enjoy it but it’s really not the thing for me.  I must be hard wired wrong or something, right?  Maybe this will change in the future, but I may be growing a child that might not like it either. Maybe I’m just bitter…

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Friday Five: Running, baby and everything else

Friday Five: Running, baby and everything else

Hey everyone! It’s been a long week and I’ve spent most of it working, eating or sleeping. I’ve become the most uninteresting person in the world. I had big plans for the blog this week and I missed my Thursday blogging. I’m trying to get at least 3 days a week on the blog so I’ll be making up for that right now. The sleeping has been so bad this week that I put an air mattress to sleep on at work during my break. I haven’t done a Friday Five in a long time and I should probably get…

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Don’t be afraid of workout modifications

Don’t be afraid of workout modifications

No workout should ever be too hard, unmanageable or out of reach.  There is always an option for working out.  I’ve learned a great deal about workout modifications and the main thing about working out is making it work for YOU!  There’s no reason to be afraid to try something because you think it’s going to be too hard because there is always a way to modify to your needs and abilities.  And if you’re worried what other people are going to say, don’t worry.  People really aren’t paying that much attention to you at the gym.  Everyone is focused on…

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Baby vs. the blog and the baby shower

Baby vs. the blog and the baby shower

I’m horrible with change.  It’s really something I hate to admit.  I require structure and boundaries.  I’m finding it difficult to blog for many reasons.  Obviously, I’m going through some serious life changes and I’m really trying to get my stuff together. I am really trying to crowd my blog with baby related things, but the truth is: that is the only thing on my mind. The point is if I’m going to keep blogging on the regular some things are going to have to change and it’s time for me to admit the truth.  Things are different and I’m…

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Chicago Marathon Weekend

Chicago Marathon Weekend

I’m not a bad blogger, I promise.  I’m just a pregnant woman who moves a little a bit slower than normal.  Honestly, I usually work on my blog at work but our internet at work has been horrible the past month…it takes me all day to my work and there’s no time for blogging.  Long story short, I’m still here. This past weekend we traveled to Chicago for the Chicago Marathon.  Obviously, I didn’t get to run for my charity this year, but Willie did.  I’m sad to say that he didn’t finish the marathon.  I’m proud of him for…

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WIAW: A typical day of eating

WIAW: A typical day of eating

Want to know what I eat in a day? Today is your lucky day because I’m going to share. I should have shared this a while ago because a TON of people would e-mail me asking to me to make videos about what I eat in a day. I will tell you my eating habits haven’t changed much since I’ve been preggers or been on my weight loss journey. This is pretty straight on as before. I may just eat a little bit more on some days than others, AND I might want to eat some pizza little more often.…

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The case of: Peanut butter and jelly oatmeal

The case of: Peanut butter and jelly oatmeal

I may not have talked about it a lot lately, but I still love oatmeal.  There was a mild obsession with it a while back that has become a full-blown obsession now. I ate oatmeal every day until I got preggers and then for some reason it has to leave my life.  I’m happy to report it’s back in my life…a lot quicker than eggs. I’ve been an oatmeal snob.  I can’t eat other people’s oatmeal unless I have the same ingredients as my special concoction, but this morning I tried something new. Introducing for the first time: peanut butter and…

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Pregnancy and the fitness instructor

Pregnancy and the fitness instructor

I wanted to write this post last Thursday but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I stopped teaching my cycle class last week. I’ve heard the stories of people teaching until their 8th month or teaching right up until the end. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t stay in that long. The truth: I could have kept teaching my cycle class, but I chose to leave for one reason. Yes everyone knows that I’m pregnant and is very understanding about it all. As time progressed, I knew I couldn’t keep up the way I once did.…

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Air fryer has changed my world

Air fryer has changed my world

When I got pregnant my number one craving has been chicken.  I want chicken strips and mashed potatoes (well potatoes of any kind) all the time but those little strips can pack a lot of calories.  And having french fries on the regular isn’t that healthy either.  I’m really trying to stay away from that stuff.  Then I got to thinking about an air fryer. I watched the infomercials many times and I was intrigued but it wasn’t enough to make me want to get one.  After all, do they really work?  Does it really require no oil or little…

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The struggle is real but…

The struggle is real but…

The struggle is real to workout, eat right and just stay focused.  But there are other things in life that we all struggle with that sometimes makes things seems harder than usual, right?  I’m here to tell you to not let the struggle take over you.  The struggle is real but you can get through it. Sometimes we see struggle as a sign of weakness in ourselves, but we must realize that struggle is a natural part of life.  Without the struggle, we wouldn’t appreciate the joys of accomplishments.  Without the struggle, we definitely wouldn’t look back at the road…

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Tips for training for your first marathon

Tips for training for your first marathon

I’m currently on running reserve but I still think about running almost every day.  I have a lot of friends running marathons for the first time this fall and it got me thinking about my first marathon…and then the official first marathon.  I wanted to share some marathon training tips for your first marathon. Realize that training for a marathon is time-consuming.  It’s not just something you can blow off and it takes some serious commitment and there is a sacrifice of time.  If you don’t start off knowing this, you’re going to be in for a rude awakening. The…

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