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Rock n Roll races on SALE today

ALL Rock n Roll races are on sale right now!  This is the chance to run a race in the destination of choice and there’s a distance for everyone.  I ran my first Rock n Roll race in 2013 and I really liked the vibe.  The races have changed over the years but I’m still running strong at these races. There are races all over the world.  I’ve never run an international race but I’ve run my fair share of races in the United States.  I love being able to visit different cities.  The best way to see a city…

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Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon 2018

Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon 2018

I’m wicked excited to be here writing about completing my marathon. This was a huge deal for me and something I knew I would put off until the “right” time so I just put one on the schedule. There is never a right time to do anything, and I’ve learned I just need to make some things work.  If I would have waited until the “right” moment,  the moment may not have ever come. I’m not going to bury the lead on the blog post. On December 2, 2018, I ran my 39th marathon at Rock n Roll San Antonio.…

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Blogging into the new year

Blogging into the new year

Did you catch my post yesterday about sharing your goals? If you didn’t go back and read it because now I’m going to share my goal with you.  I did a run streak to help me get back into running so now I’m going to go into a blogging streak.  It’s been said that you should focus on one goal at a time and now that the marathon is over, I want to focus on rebuilding the blog. I am sharing this goal with you for accountability.  The plan is to blog every day to sharpen the saw and to…

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Should you share your goals?

Should you share your goals?

I know it’s been a while since I posted on the blog.  I once read somewhere that you should focus on one goal at a time and my one goal for half this year was running a marathon.  Now I’m ready to move on to my next goal which is getting my blog back in order. I’m all about setting goals.  I encourage other people to set some goals to keep them on track. I love goals.  People do share their goals to have accountability.  Sharing and accountability are a great thing.  Now I’m starting to wonder, should you share your…

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Where have I been?

Where have I been?

It’s been a minute.  To be honest, I just haven’t been able to get s#!* together and make all the things happen.  I wish I could paint this picture perfect life and just put on a happy face, but I can’t.  I’m not one of those people.  I’m a put my head down and just trudge through it all until things start to loosen up. Before I get too far into this post, I wanted to let you know about the next big thing. The Holiday Streaking Challenge It’s the holiday time so it’s time to get active.  The holidays…

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Marathon Training Week 3: Mollie Tibbetts on my mind

Marathon Training Week 3: Mollie Tibbetts on my mind

I know you’ve been waiting on pins and needles waiting for my marathon training of week 3, right? The marathon training plan called for four runs this week: 3 miles, 4 miles, 3 miles, and 5 miles. It was kind of a drop back week because I added a mile to my mid-week run. It wasn’t actually meant to be a hard week of marathon training. I don’t know why this week was so hard for me. I struggled to get out of bed. I struggled with every single run this week, but I’m thankful I was able to finish…

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I quit the Habenero Hundred 20k

I quit the Habenero Hundred 20k

Yesterday I posted about the Habenero Hundred 20k and how I quit the race.  Luckily, I was able to jump back in because I learned a lot from this experience.  All week, I talked about this race. Excitement was in the air.  I shed tears on Monday because when I went to sign up for the race the 20K was sold out and I had to “settle” for the 10k.  Ten minutes before the race started, I was able to upgrade my race to the 20K. Ironically, I quit the race at the 10K mark and I just walked away.…

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Marathon Training Week 2: A HOT week

Marathon Training Week 2: A HOT week

Hey all!  I hope you’re having a Happy Sunday.  I’ve completed my second week of marathon training and I’m here to tell you about it. Now is your chance to read about week one of training. But first, I want to say, I’m not leaving the blog vacant on purpose.  I have blog posts on blog posts, I just haven’t finished them.  Today, I’m taking the time to work on the blog during nap time to get some of those posts finished. But now, you get to talk about my marathon training.  I am pleased to say I had a…

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Start of marathon training

Start of marathon training

You may have missed the news, but I’ve decided to start marathon training.  My first marathon post-baby will be Rock n Roll San Antonio. I’ve run this marathon before and it’s not one of the easiest courses, but the time limit, 7 hours, is the thing that is most important to me.  My PR on the marathon is 4:49:34 and I know I won’t be hitting that time this time around.  I wanted to pick a race that had a “generous” time limit. It’s been a week in my house.  I thought I had everything together and was ready to start…

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Food Cravings Hurting Your Diet? Sleep Might Be …

Food Cravings Hurting Your Diet? Sleep Might Be the Answer

Hey all.  Yesterday I was so sick and couldn’t make my blog post.  Today, I thought I drop a guest blog post on you about sleep and how it affects your diet. I hope you find the information helpful because I sure did.  I’ve noticed a pattern in my sleeping and if you follow me on the socials you know my sleep isn’t so great on the weekends.  You know why?  That’s when I Netflix and chill HARD.  This really got me thinking about how sleep and diet are connected.  It’s always been one of my biggest weight loss tips:…

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About last night’s Made for More movie

About last night’s Made for More movie

Last night I went to see the Rachel Hollis Presents: Made for More movie featuring Rachel Hollis’ two day Rise conference. For my birthday, I bought myself, Girl, Wash Your Face on Audible (and two days later a physical copy of the book).  It was the best present I could have gotten myself because it was a life-changing experience.  I don’t talk about too many books on my blog unless they’ve really made an impact on me. This is a book that you should read.  The book focuses on not letting your past hold you back from your future.  Rachel Hollis…

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