Lessons for achieving your goals

Want to achieve your goals?  The biggest tip I can give you is to stay focused on your goal. There are many distractions in life and there will be obstacles that will take you off course.  Those are the times when you should check-in with yourself to regain focus on what you’re actually working towards.

Weight loss is never an easy road and it’s easy to get frustrated or to lose hope.  Keep pushing through those tough times to build your strength, resolve and character. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?


Always have a plan to where you are going.  That road map will be important for your mile posts along the way.  Mile posts are our ways of checking in to make sure we’re still on track.

Those obstacles will sometimes be a blow to your confidence and make you second guess EVERYTHING.  Obstacles are not things that should block us from achieving what we want.  Obstacles are there to test us to see if we’re strong enough to deserve what it is we’re going after in life.

Keep a positive attitude.  Negative thoughts will take over your entire life.  Something so small breed and affect things that have nothing to do with the initial negative thought.  It’s important to always keep a positive attitude, especially when moving toward the future.

Everyone does not always have to like you.  Everyone definitely will not love you.  Don’t take that into your mind as a bad things.  Because you know what?

There is always one person who will always love you and that is yourself. Always love yourself.  When no one else is around, you will always be there.  Take care of your mind, body and soul because you are definitely one person you can always count on in life.  Don’t ever talk yourself down, be negative or feel worthless because you are worthy of everything you have and want.

I remember not too long ago Taylor Swift said in an interview she was very protective of her happiness. Yes, it’s T-Swizzle but she really seems to have a grasp on life and what she wants out of life.  This really made me think about how careless we sometimes are with our own happiness.

Be an avid protector of your happiness. Being happy will go far and change your world. Sometimes happiness will make the impossible seem possible which means that fear won’t guide our decisions.

Here is to achieving your goals whether you are tackling weight loss, seeking a new job, on your own quest or wherever you might find yourself venturing.  Remember these things and you will go far.


Five things: Weight Loss Edition

Five things: Weight Loss Edition

Happy Friday everyone!  It’s been a long week but I’m glad I made it to Friday.  The bad news is our air conditioning is on the fritz so it’s hotter than biscuits in our house. I had to get some AC is out provisions.  Hopefully, the unit will be fixed today but I’m skeptical. Anyway, I wanted to start doing the Friday Five thing but with a twist…with some helpful information for people so this week’s topic will be weight loss. 1. Weight loss is a process.  It’s not going to happen overnight so be patient.  It always helps if…

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Summer cooking: Pea pesto and mustard greens

Summer cooking: Pea pesto and mustard greens

It’s summer so that means it’s time to get creative with our summer cooking. Light and easy is what summer is all about and that should translate to the kitchen. If you haven’t noticed, it’s kind of hot outside. (Well at least where we live it’s pretty hot.) I couldn’t think of anything because I had my head trapped in some cookbooks. When I finally shut the books and went to the store, my mind opened up with lots of possibilities…and then all I wanted was pea pesto and mustard greens. Maybe it’s because my favorite color is green, but…

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Blog interrupted: a new week reset, going meatless, …

Blog interrupted: a new week reset, going meatless, and biking.

I like to post the motivational stuff on Monday’s because it’s just a good way to start off the week but I’ve fallen behind on blogging because I was sick and I didn’t want to go anywhere near a computer on my work planning day. It’s kind of been a mess. I’m yet to post my recaps from San Diego or any other blog planning so this is where I’m at. The good this though is it’s Monday, a new week to do new things! It’s time to start anew and achieve new things! It’s time to start a fresh…

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Goal setting for June

Goal setting for June

It’s a new month and one of my goal was to go back to setting monthly goals.  In keeping on with that goal, I am present you with my goal setting for June 2015.  This is a really big month for me because I’ll be working toward my first 12 hour race…in July…in Georgia. It’s going to be hot so I’m going to be focusing a lot on hydration. 1. We are switching to a vegetarian diet for the month of June.  We thought it would be a good time to switch because it’s summer and my training has slowed…

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The weight loss numbers pressure

The weight loss numbers pressure

Every day we’re bombarded with numbers: times, dates, addresses, appointments, etc. But there are other numbers in our lives that consume us too like workout minutes, miles to run, pounds to lose, pounds gained, etc. Sometimes those numbers can put pressure on us. Last week my friend blogged about a mile being a mile. It’s a great read and I think everyone should read it. Basically, her post pointed out that we should do what works for us and not try to be like everyone else. It really got me thinking about how little things do influence us and push…

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The time I tried the falafel waffle

The time I tried the falafel waffle

I tried to falafel waffle from the Cooking Channel commercial. Falafel is usually fried in ball form and oh so delicious. Willie and I love them but they are loaded with fat so I wanted to find a way for us to enjoy these things. I’ve seen the commercial a million times on Cooking Channel but I’ve never had enough time to attempt making it. Sunday, I had the time and this was the result. Where my falafel waffle went wrong? This probably would have worked out better with a food processor. All I have is a Ninja and it…

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Fitbit Flex (and Just Dance) has me getting …

Fitbit Flex (and Just Dance) has me getting active again

I have a love/hate relationship with my Fitbit Flex. After Fitbloggin’ last year, I decided to get a Fitbit to help me monitor my steps and sleep patterns. Little did I know, I was going to go through three Fitbits in less than a year and these things aren’t cheap. In April, my Fitbit Flex died again on the charger and I missed it but I wasn’t going to go through the hassle of getting a replacement. FYI: Fitbit support has been very helpful in providing me replacements. It is still frustrating having this thing go out on me all of…

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Celebrate National Egg Month with great food.

Celebrate National Egg Month with great food.

May is National Egg Month and it’s time to celebrate.  As you know, I’ve been really jazzed about eggs and how Eggland’s Best Eggs have been transforming my diet.  Living a healthy lifestyle is important and eating these farm fresh eggs (produced in your area and delivered to your local store to stay fresh) makes meal and snack time really great.  Last month, I transformed snack time by switching from a processed snack to real food that included a hard-cooked Eggland’s Best Egg. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about not just eating food, but eating the right foods.  It’s…

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Race Recap: Horse Capital Marathon

Race Recap: Horse Capital Marathon

Running the Kentucky Ale Horse Capital Marathon was a biggie for me.  This is the race that finally got me qualified for the 50 States Marathon Club. I decided at the last minute that it was doable and I asked around to see if anyone would want to go…and bam someone wanted to go.  The dream became a reality and we road tripped to Kentucky. We stopped in Memphis on the way there which was about 8 hours in but I wanted to stop to show Lauren where I attended college.  No pictures of Ole Miss, which we probably should…

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Make every moment count

Make every moment count

Hello my friends!  If you didn’t know, I spent the weekend road tripping to Kentucky to run the inaugural Horse Capital Marathon.  It was a long trip but a lot of fun. I got to catch up with an old friend AND along the way I had a lot of fun.  I’m currently still recovering for the marathon and the even longer car ride, but a recap will be coming soon. It’s Monday which means I like to give a little motivation to start your week. I didn’t know what message I wanted to convey this morning.  I took part in…

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