What healthy living means to me

When I started my weight loss journey, I really didn’t know the world before me. The one thing I knew was we had to stop eating fast food for every meal and leave the sugary sodas on the shelf. Might we have also needed a bit more exercise? The jury was still out on that point.

Quickly, I learned that people are health “know it alls”, and their way is always the best. Some people picked me because I still ate processed foods (aka my favorite Healthy Choice meals). Some people took offense I purchased Splenda and frozen vegetables and even ate potatoes and loved fro-yo. “Don’t you know how much sugar is in that stuff?”

Guess what? I don’t care. Healthy living, to me, is more than just the food you put in your mouth. It’s about achieving that balance for your life.

I don’t shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s regularly because I don’t have one within a short driving distance. (Don’t get me wrong.  I love a good trip to Trader Joe’s, but I don’t NEED to go there.) I still survive just fine. I don’t buy organic vegetables. I know not everyone can afford those things, and I’m telling you I’m one of those people.

I say this because we all know it’s cheaper to go through the drive-thru for a triple patty burger, fries, and drink than buying a salad. There’s a reason for this, but staying eating healthy is on par with eating that way would be a lie. Eating healthy is going to cost a bit more on the pocketbook.

As a society, we need to provide healthier food at a cheaper cost. I don’t want to get political here, but people complain about Americans’ unhealthy nature, but at the end of the day, it’s better to eat than not eat. Many people have to make that choice on a daily; let’s digest that for a moment.

To me, healthy living is doing the best I can within my means (financial, physical, emotional, and time means). Healthy living means eating the best way I can 80% of the time. Do I make all of my meals every day? Nope. Do I spend hours prepping food every weekend? Most of the time, if I have the time to do so. If I don’t have the time, I use my healthy hacks to get me through the week.

Am I a clean eater? Not all the time because sometimes I have to hack my way through life. There are times when I eat protein bars as snacks. I sometimes put Splenda in my coffee from Dunkin. Hey, I might even enjoy a few Munchkins with my coffee.

To me, healthy living is getting active as much as I can and listening to my body for the appropriate cues. I’ve made mistakes here. There was a time when I thought working out six days a week as hard as I could be the RIGHT thing to do. I didn’t practice proper recovery or realize every workout didn’t have to the best the hardest to be effective.

To me, healthy living is choosing to forgo fatty, fried foods in favor of grilled foods. Healthy living is having a kind relationship with food because I spent so much time abusing food in the past.

Healthy living is making sure that I take my mental health the same way I take care of my physical health. Mental health is the part of a healthy living journey I neglected, and I’m focusing on now. I may have spent too much time trying to be someone I wasn’t to make others happen. So yes, you might find me crutched in the corner with my essential oils reading a book or writing in my


Healthy living to me is realizing that I’m just a girl who lost 200 pounds and fell in love with running. Now I’m a mom trying to keep everything together and teach my daughter healthy habits that will lead her into a secure future. I’m not an expert. I’m just an ordinary person who has a story to share and possibly help someone along the way.

Healthy living is being the best version of yourself on your worst possible day. Healthy living is taking care of yourself by using the tools you’ve developed to make it through all situations.

Please make your version of healthy living and go with it!

What does healthy living mean to you?

Just work it out

Just work it out

Excuse me as I take a moment for a personal message.  I’ve been thinking about what my message should be to the world.  I asked people what they thought the message I was conveying through Instagram.  I don’t know why this has become so important to me, but I’ve been a little more conscious about what I’m putting out there.  I’ve been struggling to find my voice or even hone in on my message. I have things I want to do and things I want to share with the world. You might think I have my s#!t together, but I…

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Five Things Friday: tips to avoid food temptation

Five Things Friday: tips to avoid food temptation

Halloween just passed and we’re on the cusp of holiday season.  There will be comfort foods, cakes, pies and all types of goodies being shoved in our faces all day long.  From home to work to social gatherings, the holiday season has arrived but what does that mean if you’re on your weight loss journey or just trying not to over indulge. Every year I post something similiar because every year I feel like I learn a little bit more about how tempting some foods can be and sometimes those are the foods you just can’t stay away from.  The…

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We are in Runner’s World talking weight …

We are in Runner’s World talking weight loss!

I am so happy to finally share with everyone that we are in the December 2015 issue of Runner’s World.  I guess we could have spoke about it before but honestly, we didn’t know much information about it.  When running the Pensacola Marathon on Sunday someone at an aid station stopped to ask me if I was the girl in the magazine.  That is really when I found out it had hit the shelf.  On my way home yesterday, I stopped in Baton Rouge and purchased them all. Haha! The forces at Action for Healthy Kids are making my dreams…

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Yes, we were on The Rachael Ray Show!

Yes, we were on The Rachael Ray Show!

Keeping a secret is very hard so I’m very glad The Rachael Ray Show episode finally aired! I don’t know how it happened or why it happened, but we are truly thankful for the experience! Many great things have happened to us this year, but this has probably been the most life changing thing. Why was it so life changing? Being on television and visiting NYC are great things, but this experience was life changing because it was a huge wake up call for us. We lost the weight and have managed to keep it off but everything else was…

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It’s not a diet. It’s healthy …

It’s not a diet.  It’s healthy lifestyle changes to lose weight.

The biggest piece of advice we can give you is to stop dieting.  It’s not a diet; it’s healthy lifestyle CHANGES to lose weight and keep it off. A lifestyle change is very difficult, especially for the people in your life.  We had so many problems with our friends and family because it wasn’t only a change for us, it was a change for them too.  Both Willie and I were overweight our entire lives and our weight defined us.  When it was time to make a change things did get very sticky and possibly people didn’t take us too seriously. For people who…

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A day of (state) resolutions

A day of (state) resolutions

After running the Austin 10/20, Willie and I were honored with state resolutions on the floor of the Texas State Capitol.  Our weight loss achievements are now a part of Texas state history!  This is/was such a honor for us and definitely a moment we won’t forget.  We were honored alongside our friend Richard and Amie James (for creating a healthier community by creating The Gusher Marathon), Iram Leon (for winning the Gusher Marathon while pushing his daughter and just plain winning at life), and Felix Lugo (who ran his 50th marathon holding the American flag at The Gusher).  We…

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Thanks for your support

Thanks for your support

Talk about a crazy day! We had no idea the CNN story would cause this much buzz and definitely wasn’t something we were looking for by talking about our journey. Did you see they did a small bit on the actual news channel too? I missed it, but I heard all about it. Willie and I are not the type of people to seek attention. I originally started the blog because people were asking so many questions, I just wanted a place to put it down so I didn’t have to keep repeating myself. The only thing we ever wanted…

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Back To The Basics: So you want to …

Back To The Basics: So you want to lose the weight. Now what?

Losing a significant amount of weight is a huge task so if you’re deciding to take on the battle, congrats to you. We woke up one day and just decided to lose the weight, but I don’t think we were very smart about the process. This is your chance to learn from our mistakes. You know the commercials always say “consult with a doctor before engaging in any physical activity or diet plan?” You should definitely do that because we did NOT and it opened up a huge can of worms for us. It took a lot for me to…

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