Five Things On Friday

This week has been a little bit more laid back than last week. I feel like last week was a lot of prepping and this week has been a little bit less of that. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been busy though. When the blog posts don’t come frequently, you can pretty much assume I’m busy at work. So guess what? I’ve been really busy.

1. I pretty much feel like all I’ve done is work…including my working out (which is part of my job too). After the Monday run debacle, I haven’t been right at all this week. My body might be boycotting my afternoon workouts because I’ve left something at home every single day this week. Even if I thought I was prepared, I wasn’t. Sports bra, swim suits, running shoes, tank tops…it’s all be left out of my afternoon bag this week. It’s been a hard week in workout land.

Today was supposed to be a 5 mile fast #run but it turned into a search and rescue mission that ended short. I'm  glad to be done before the rain comes back. Hot and humid again but this is summer! #fitfluential #fitness #runchat #running
I really struggled through my run on Wednesday afternoon, but it was probably a combo of not having enough water, life stress and the dang humidity. I see people running their 9 minute miles and I’m thinking, “how the hell are they pulling that off in this heat?” But I have to remember to forget about everyone else and just do me.

Taught #groupride twice today! I feel good! #fitfluential #training #cycling #spinning #fitness

Yesterday I thought Group Ride twice. The 5AM class was golden, I was tired but I still did it. When the 6pm class rolled around I didn’t know how I would survive, but once I started going it was all good! I really enjoyed it. I really love being able to teach these indoor cycle classes.

2. There is no change without change. Last week I decided to up my weights in Group Power. I think I upped them a little too much because I felt a shooting pain down my back during the second leg track which wasn’t even a heavy track. I think my squat weight may have been too much.

Rain can't hold this girl down. #workout is done! #fitfluential #fitness

This week, I braved the monsoon and went to class. I re-adjusted my weights and things were all good. I still felt like I was upping my game but dropping the extra 2 pounds on each side but I wasn’t hurting!

I do challenge every one to step up their game next week because it’s the start of a new month.  Push a little harder and longer than you have before.  If you walk 3 miles normally, try to walk 3.25 miles.  If you want to see change, you have to be proactive about it and make some changes!  Small steps make big strides.  <— Tired of hearing me say that?  It’s the truth, so I”ll never stop.

3. My dear husband has gotten serious about his blogging. If you haven’t checked out his blog, here’s your chance. Wondering why Willie has his own blog? Because there are two sides to every story and we each tell our story differently. We are a team, but it’s takes two parts to put together out team. Willie struggled with his blog because he thought he needed to it the same why I do mine. It’s not the case. I found a style and system that works for me and it just didn’t work for him. It’s a true lesson in what works for one person won’t work for another.

Willie has his own story to tell about running, cooking and eating! That’s something completely personal to him and my active lifestyle is important to me. He can’t tell my side of the story and I can’t tell his. We both have a voice and he’s telling his over at his blog. I’m excited to read his posts and to be apart of his blog. I’m happy that he found a passion and what works for him!

#saltwatertaffy is my #summer #weakness. This little booth is set up at the grocery store. I buy three pieces and that lasts the whole week. My fav is #banana. Everything in moderation. #moderation #fitfluential
4. Salt water taffy is my summertime weakness. The little station is set up at the grocery store. Willie keeps me in check when getting this stuff which is good. I buy three pieces and it lasts me the entire week. It’s all about moderation. Enjoy the things you want, but moderate yourself. BTW: my favorite flavors are banana, watermelon and caramel.

5. Lastly, I have to give a shout out to my good friend Mel! After reading my blog about crying at the pool, she said she would go with me to the pool. Apparently, she’s like a fish and I need some of that to rub on me. In turn, I will do my best to get her to love her bike. I mean, if you pay that much for a bike, you have to love that sucker! I’m so thankful for having some really great people in my life! She’s awesome in my book!

So how was your week?