Stop, drop and smile.

Things haven’t been great lately and I got bogged down in some negative energy. And then work happened and it got really busy and I didn’t have enough time to really blog.

Today’s message: You’re never fully dressed without a smile.

It’s not a completely an original idea. But it’s a theory I want to carry over into this Monday. It’s time to start fresh and to start anew. It’s time to smile, again.  The act of smiling can change your whole world in the blink of an eye. A smile breeds positivity.

Why should you turn that frown upside down? Smiling will change your mood in a snap and will help you relieve stress. And this simple act will just relax you which helps out in so many ways like boosting your immune system OR passing that smile on to someone else.  Smiling is contagious, just like a yawn.  I suggest that you keep your yawn to yourself, but share that smile with the world.

It’s time to stop, drop and smile.

What are three things that make you smile? Here’s your moment to really think about it because I’m going to ask you again after I tell you.

My three things that make me smile:

P71658251. My husband. People say it all the time but he is truly my best friend. We were friends many many many years before we dated and got hitched so I really think that plays a big part in my love and affection for this man.

I'm going home! Bittersweet moment I'm having right now. Thanks for the memories #philly! #rnrphilly

2. Day dreams of the places I will go. I’m always eyeing somewhere new to go and there’s nothing that gets me excited like a new adventure.

IMG_87483. Progress. Thinking back at where I was and where I am today always brings a smile to myself… Among other things like my family and best friends and just the overall good health I’ve been blessed with in life.

#watermelon a great post workout treat! #cleaneats #refuel #fitness #fitfluential #sweatpink #iambft

And watermelon of course. Apparently, today is the National Watermelon Day! Is it me or does every day seem like it’s always some national day that people are “celebrating?”  I never really enjoyed watermelon as a kid or even as an adult.  My love for the watermelon just blossomed a few years ago and now I can’t get enough of it. It’s one of my favorite snacks.

What are the three things that make you smile?  Do you like watermelon?

Five Things You Should Do Everyday

Five Things You Should Do Everyday

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about things you should do everyday. I’m sure I’m going to come up with another of these lists, but for now: 1. Set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and go for a walk.  Give your metabolism a jump start by getting a little active in the morning.  It doesn’t have to be a full on power walk but just something to get you going.  It will make all the difference. 2. Eat a good breakfast.  They say it’s the most important meal of the day for a reason.  Don’t skip it.  Skipping…

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