How I’m building workout consistency

I used to be the consistency queen, but things have changed in my life. I’m not consistent at much anymore due to stepping away from the systems that kept me on task. I’ve overfilled my to-do list, which has left me paralyzed. I hope that makes sense. Over the past six months, I’ve given myself too much grace to operate, which has left me in a place of not committing too much. Now that my schedule is less filled with PTA things, I have decided to get my life back on track, and I’m starting with my workout schedule.

Building consistency in my workouts

It has been a long time since I have consistently worked out. I would start and get into the routine, but then life would get in the way. I would stop working out and then have to start the painful process of easing myself back into an exercise routine again.

I am not committed to the process because I know how good consistency feels. I have a much better state of mind, sleeping better, and feeling better overall. I am only focusing on getting my workout routine to fit into the life I have created. I’ve learned that focusing on too many things at one time will stop me in my tracks.

Setting my baseline

I’m setting the baseline of how many days I want to work out each week. Trying to get back to my “old” self shouldn’t be the priority, so I am focusing on my “new” self by setting reasonable expectations on what workouts I can accomplish right now. This baseline has adjusted since I started to strive for consistency. When I first got into my routine, I started with three days a week, and now I’m up to 4 days. I go five days a week, which makes me feel good that I’m exceeding my goal.

Making myself accountable

I had a teachable moment with my kid in the grocery store parking lot where I told her, “The most important promises we keep are the ones to ourselves.” I have to carry this around with me. So, after I set my baseline, I scheduled out what days of the week I would work out. I also have to be realistic about this because it can change weekly. Before, I was so rigid about my schedule being the same every week, leading to missing my workouts. I gave myself too much “grace” because I was busy or had other things planned when I should have rearranged my schedule to make it work. I started to realize even though I don’t want to work out on the weekends, that is when I have more available time. Instead of stressing myself out to get my workouts done during the week, doing some weekend workouts might make more sense.

Removing the obstacles

Going home before hitting the gym will kill my workout plans. Home is relaxing and comfortable. After leaving work, I would go home to eat lunch. I hit the mid-day slump, and I had to force myself to get my workout done. I created many problems for myself by not preparing myself. Now, I’m ensuring my food is meal-prepped (another struggle and story for another day), and I pack my gym bag to take to work with me. (Side note: I need to be better about packing my gym bag the night before so I’m not scrambling to do it in the mornings.)

These things keep me from going home mid-day and killing my good vibes. I have felt so much better when I’m not waiting until 1:30 or 2 pm to eat lunch and forcing myself to workout right after. Now, I can eat peacefully, face my mid-day slump at my work desk, and then head to the gym. Does anyone else have so much energy driving home, and then when you get there, all that energy has been sucked out of you? It happens to me all the time.

Returning to group fitness

I stopped going to the gym during the pandemic and jumped on the Peloton and at-home workout train, but I never got off. Working out at home wasn’t working for me anymore. I’ve already mentioned how comfy home is, so forcing myself to work out at home worsened matters. Also, I need to be around people. I joined a gym, along with Hotworx, so I can leave the house to work out and be around other like-minded people. It makes a difference. Also, I have chosen what group fitness classes I want to do and scheduled them in advance. It’s hard for me to pass on a class I’ve already booked, and this is just another way of cementing my workout schedule. My kid also holds me accountable because she likes to go to the kid’s club at the gym. How can I stop if she wants to leave the house to go to the gym?

I’m rebuilding the system that kept me disciplined; some relearning is happening in my life now. Reestablishing these habits and setting these boundaries have allowed me to fully recognize if I’m avoiding working out or just needing a recovery break. Knowing the difference is essential to being consistent, and this is something I have lost touch with this year. But now I am on the right path to a healthier me.

My week in recovery

My week in recovery

I’m probably being too cautious with my recovery but I don’t want to be injured again where I shouldn’t be running.  That’s a very scary things.  I felt like I lost my best friend and I don’t like losing my best friends.  It hurts and it’s sad.  No more sad faces in my life. Welcome to my week in recovery. So I’ve been really weird about my running.  I haven’t ran this week since I ran a lot last weekend.  I’m running the Austin Marathon in 3 weeks and I really want to do well.  Last year, I bailed out…

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How important is a routine?

How important is a routine?

Do you have a routine? And how important is that routine to you? I’ve been pondering the thought of my daily routine because I’m still trying to fight getting back into my old routine. There are several good things about routines like knowing exactly what what you’re going to do every day. But routines can lead to life being bland or too boring. I like knowing that on certain days, I’m going to do a certain workout. I like not having to worry about changing that structure. I sometimes like knowing on certain nights we are going to eat certain…

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Why wait? Start your new routine today.

Why wait? Start your new routine today.

“I’m going to start my new diet and workout routine on Monday.” This is a statement that many people including myself have uttered at one time or another. Sometime during the week before, we make a conscious effort to get our plan in place. We write out what we’re going to do and what we can and can’t eat. We’re excited and are so ready for that upcoming Monday. My question to you is: Why wait until Monday? There’s six other days of the week. Any day is the “perfect” day to make a plan of action. Start today if…

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