Race Recap: Beach to Bay Marathon Relay

On Saturday, Willie and I ran the Beach To Bay Relay in Corpus Christie, Tx with Tyson‘s family! I was nervous about this relay because it seemed like chaos. I don’t do well with chaos. Thankfully, Missy was there to make sure everyone got to their point.



The biggest thing about B2B was the waiting. But at least the view was good. I was running the last leg of the relay so I did a lot of waiting around. But I got in some good chatting time with my bestie and god daughter. I also got hit in the head with a random beer can because it was so freaking windy until it wasn’t windy enough.


It started to get hot and the wind became a non issue. When we were driving my route, I didn’t understand why there were so many water stations for a 5 mile stretch of road. When I was running, I was thankful for those water stations. I didn’t drink much of that water though, I was kind of just dumping it on me. There was no shade and it was direct sun. I think I started my leg around 10:45 am.


But we all finished and we all did really great! It was a fun experience. It was a very pretty course and everyone was super friendly. The transition areas were a bit of a mess but comical. It was funny watching people getting frustrated because they couldn’t find their relay partner.

It was something different which is always needed in life. I’m not sure what our official time was though, I can’t really seem to decipher it on the results.

Race Recap: The Texas Independence Relay

Race Recap: The Texas Independence Relay

I’m sorry I disappeared off the face of the earth because I was too tired to function.  I think we all greatly underestimate our need to sleep.  Running + friends + no sleeping + no real food = Texas Independence Relay! I will admit my happy emotions cup runneth over and there’s no way I will ever be able to put into words how I felt this weekend.  I can’t express to you the greatness in the relationships I formed this weekend, the respect built for my team mates and the joy and misery in my heart! I’m not even…

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