The king of grocery shopping

I spent the weekend with my best friend in Mississippi while Willie stayed behind to handle the dogs!  He also had to handle the grocery shopping so that we could successfully handle the Sunday meal prepping. For the record, my husband is AMAZING!

Having fun on my #run this morning! Mr trying to hit any specific miles just being at piece with myself. This place always feels like home! #Pascagoula #runchat #marathontraining #fitness #fitfluential #travelgram #mississippi

I got to enjoy views like this and he got to take the dog to get his shots.

Remember ho I told y’all Willie came in under budget for the grocery shopping?  He did it again.  Maybe I should start sending him to the store instead of going myself.  He did a really good job.  Our fridge is packed with food.  We might actually have too much food, but it’s ok.

I have so much I want to talk about but I feel the pressure to talk about my meal prep because it’s Sunday. I’ll have to save everything else for later, including the Christmas themed birthday party I attended this weekend. I’m kind of lacking on time at the moment so I’ll just get to it.

Thank goodness for a wonderful husband. He grocery shopped and made dinner for the week while I was driving home. I made the lunches. #sundaysetup #fitfluential #mealprep

This is what we’re eating this week:

Breakfast: nothing new is happening here. Same ole overnight oats and egg white muffins.

Lunch: Tuna salad with sweet potatoes and spinach..and probably served over a bed of romaine lettuce for me.

Dinner: Pork chops with beans, quinoa and whatever veggies need to be cleaned out of the fridge. Asparagus, spinach, green beans and peas. I’ll have to change it up because I think I need a break from broccoli.

Snacks: protein balls, greek yogurt and hummus with celery.

Pre-workout snacks: Larabars

I’m going to be out of town a lot for the next few weeks so I will be keeping my meal prep simple and easy.  I don’t want to have to make a fuss about it too much.

My best advice for meal prepping is to KEEP IT SIMPLE!  Save the fancy foods for when you have time to prepare them.  Maybe for a date night?

What’s on your menu for the week?

Introducing this week’s lunch: Meatloaf with a …

Introducing this week’s lunch: Meatloaf with a recipe.

Happy Labor Day everyone! I’ve been hosting some friends this weekend so Sunday setup has come into Monday! I know you’re all dying to know what I’ve decided to make for lunch this week. I’ve decided on meatloaf. It’s important to get started on the meal prepping for the week right now if you haven’t. There’s still time for you! So why meatloaf? I can make one big pan of it and it will last the entire week for the two of us. Willie doesn’t like the abundance of ground turkey/chicken that we have around the house, but it works…

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It’s that shrimp “fried rice” I’ve …

It’s that shrimp “fried rice” I’ve been talking about

I spent last week with quinoa! We fell in love again. Since I’ve been blogging and running and working out I’ve been trying to find new ways to make my meals more yummy and I have an EXCESS of quinoa in the house. It was important that I find something to do with all this quinoa I’ve been hoarding. First off, people might be wondering: what is quinoa? I’ll give you the easy answer. It’s pronounced like KEEN-WHA; no one ever knows how to say it. Therefore, I think people don’t want to eat it because they can’t talk about…

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Chicken,Sweet Potato, Quinoa Stir-Fry

Chicken,Sweet Potato, Quinoa Stir-Fry

Quinoa is great and one of my favorite things to eat. I eat a mostly plant based diet so quinoa is a great way to get my protein. Willie is still a meat eater, so this is something I can fix for both us and still be satisfied. I’ll just throw some chicken in the mix for him. Best part, low in sodium and very filling! FYI: I don’t use the canola oil when cooking. I try to stay away from any oils when cooking, even though they are good fats. I don’t think you need oil/butter to cook your…

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