App review: The Peleton Digital app

Peleton is a huge success and came onto the scene with that insane bike that people are raving over.  I’m sad to say that I don’t have one, but I want one.  I can probably justify getting one now that I’ve lost one of my cycle classes.

I do have a cycle back in my living room so I did make the decision to try the app.  I’ll be real with you, I tried the app a while ago and it was $12.95/month.  I thought it was insanely expensive to pay that much for the app.  At the time, it was just a cycling app and I didn’t know if I could justify paying that much for it.  I dropped the app despite the numerous e-mails I got to lock in a low price on the relaunch of app.  I just didn’t think it would be worth it for me.

Peleton app

I was wrong.  I should have got back into the app then because the relaunch of the app was totally different and more versatile.  Now I’m paying $20/a month for an app I could have been paying $14.95/month for now.  Let me tell you what you’re getting with this app.  There are a great variety of classes for you to choose from:  cycling, walking, running, strength, yoga, meditation, bootcamp, walking, stretching, and cardio. I really feel like you can get everything you need to get a balanced workout for your mind+soul and body.

Yes, I’m a runner and you might think that it’s something I would gravitate on the app.  I’ve taken a few running classes, but I don’t enjoy running on the tread.  This makes it a bit more bearable to do so.  I spend a lot of time walking on the treadmill and I have really enjoyed the walking classes.  I don’t think people really know what to do on a treadmill, especially when walking.  These classes have variety and actually, give you a great WORKOUT while walking.  There for fun walk, walk + run, power walking, hiking, and walk+strength. I really love these classes because I feel like walking gets a bad rap.  You can get a great workout by walking.

I do love how there is a focus on warm-up and post-stretch classes.  This is something that people don’t really focus on and I love how the app has these classes.

This app provides something for everyone.  These are great at-home workouts that you can get with great instructors.  You can see who else is taking the same classes at the same time.  You can also take part in the live classes which gives you a more interactive experience.

My Peleton app experience really got better when I purchased a heart rate monitor that connected to the app.  I went months without having this, but two weeks ago I changed the game and got a heart rate monitor.  Just get a HRM that has Bluetooth and can hook up to your phone/tablet.  It’s nice to have the metrics to look at when you’ve finished your workout.

Cons of the app:

  • The cost of the app is pretty high per month.  Most people will find this a high price tag if they aren’t using the cycling feature on the app.
  • If you don’t have a bike, you might feel like you’re missing out on a cross-training opportunity.  Cycling is the bread and butter of the company so you know that part of the program is highly developed.  I find this beneficial because I do have a spin bike in my living room.
  • If you don’t have access to great internet or cell signal, you might have some problems.
  • You need to spend the extra money to get a HRM.  I purchased my Wahoo Fitness Tickr for $49.

Pros of the app:

  • There are a variety of workouts every day.  You can plan out a week’s worth of workouts ahead of time and have different options for every day.
  • The classes change so you’re not doing the same workouts all the time. New classes are added on the regular. There are different types of classes as far as instructors, music genres, and the intensity of the workouts.
  • These are on-demand workouts you can do anywhere and anytime.  There’s no reason for anyone not to get a great workout done.
  • There is a meditation portion of the app.  There is a focus on the body but also the mental part of healthy living.

I do think the app is worth it IF you’re going to commit to using it.  Just like I think getting a Peleton bike is worth it IF you’re going to use it.  There is an opportunity to get a free trial to see if it’s something that fits your fitness lifestyle.  I definitely do think you should give it a try.  I have had nothing but positive experiences since I’ve really used the app.

Are you an at-home fitness person or do you need the gym environment to get motivated?

Preparing for Christmas

Preparing for Christmas

I missed blogging yesterday because I was just too tired. From Tiny Tot’s birthday and now planning for Christmas, I kind of screwed the pooch on the blogging thing. I did have a very productive day yesterday which has eased up on my Sunday a bit. Normally I would tell you about the meal prep I would be doing this week, but that’s isn’t going to happen today. I can’t fit any more food in my fridge. My fridge is packed to the brim with things for Christmas dinner and some essentials we need to last until then. It’s been…

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