3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

Listening to music during your workout can work wonders.  If you’re having a bad day, turn on some tunes and get it rolling.  There is nothing wrong with turning up the tunes during your workout and in fact it helps out a bunch. For some reason today, I’ve been in a musical mood. Singing and shaking has been my thing so I just had to share with your some reasons to listen to music during your workout:


  1. When you’re listening to music, you’re more inclined to get with the beat.  If the beat is pumping, you’re going to kick in the intensity of your workout. There are very few times when I hear a Britney Spears song that doesn’t make me move.  (Wait?!? Is that showing my age?)
  2. Music blocks out the world.  Instead of focusing on all the noise inside of your head, you’re going to be listening to music and you’ll be working out without really noticing what is going on.  This is the time it’s ok to have a one track mind.  It’s also to be distracted as long as you aren’t causing harm to yourself. (I’ve had a couple of incidents on a treadmill and elliptical.  Just pay attention.)
  3. The music will motivate you.  I put a few inspiration songs along the way to really get my fired up.  What can I say?  I’m an emotional person and this kind of thing strikes a cord with me.  When I hear the songs, I get motivated and inspired to keep going and make it a great workout.  Sometimes, I jam out before a run, on the way to the gym, or right when I get out bed. Right now, my motivational song is Remember The Name by Fort Miner.

In honor of this week’s workout Wednesday, I thought I would share a new playlist with you!  It’s about 45 minutes so it’s perfect for a complete workout.

I am a firm believer of getting active for 40-45 minutes every day. Now you have a playlist to listen to during your 45 minutes.  (Also, follow me on Spotify. That is where I keep all my playlist.)  That doesn’t have to be intense exercise all the time, it could just be going for a walk or something. My walking buddy for today! Sometimes you just need to stop for a break with your pup! #fitfam #petstagram

I’ve been taking my lil pup for a walk in the evenings to make sure I’m hitting my activity minutes…plus it’s good for him too.

Do you listen to music when you workout?  What is your motivational song?

Happy National Running Day!

Happy National Running Day!

It’s National Running Day! It’s no secret that I L-O-V-E to run so it’s pretty much certain I’ll be celebrating this day.  So how am I going to celebrate?  I’ll definitely go for a run with the running group this evening. If you would like to help me celebrate National Running Day you can by donating to my Team Healthy Kids fundraising efforts. A couple of years ago I posted why I run.  I can’t believe I can say a couple of years ago when talking about running.  Who would have thought this girl would be running?  I still haven’t really…

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FAQ: Do you listen to music when you …

FAQ: Do you listen to music when you workout?

It’s question and answer time here at We Beat Fat. This week I’m talking about my music. The simple answer to this question is: yes, I do listen to music when I workout. It wasn’t always like that though. When we first started out walking on the treadmill, I watched a lot of television to pass the time. Our gym has the fancy machines with televisions on every machine, so that it made it nice. As I got use to walking on the treadmill, I ended up switching to music because it helped me keep pace. I used my music…

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Counting my blessings

Counting my blessings

I must admit the past week hasn’t been kind to me. Things have been kind of rough. I’ve been going through some things that have just consumed me when it shouldn’t. I kind of let other things fall by the wayside. On Tuesday, I vented my feelings and all of the sudden I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I guess maybe just holding it in was half the problem. I am dedicating this post to counting my blessings from this week. I am thankful for having a good life and my health. I didn’t have such great health…

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