How to get back into a routine

Hey all!  Happy Global Running Day!  Maybe I should spend the day talking about running, but I’m going to talk about getting back in a routine after having a little “break.”  I spent the last week being sick, which gave me a lot of time to think things out.  I’ve also been wasting a lot of time watching YouTube videos instead of putting my plans into action.  I might be lacking a bit of focus in life.  I may just need a kick in the butt to get myself back into a functioning member of society.

After the marathon, I decided I would take a break and just live.  In theory, that’s a great idea, but I knew I would grow restless and need some direction.  I’m a goal-oriented person, and a life without direction is just useless to me. It hasn’t been my most beautiful moments because the motivation to do anything has severely lacked. Do you know how long I procrastinated writing this blog post? I might have a problem.

The good news is: I’ve had to get my butt in gear many times before so I’m kind of an “expert” at this. Here are my tips for getting back into a routine:

Back into a routine

1. Set some goals. Long term goals aren’t going to work here. It’s essential when trying to get back into the swing of things to set some short term goals before developing your life’s ambition. I know, everyone always tells you to establish long term goals. I have been THAT person pushing that on you. This time is different because we are just trying to get going.

Examples are the best part of life, so I’m going to knock a few your way. If you’ve strayed from your workout regime and want to hop back on. This is the time to say, you want to work out for 45-minutes three times this week. Think short term and something that is manageable and won’t overwhelm you in the process.

My biggest problem right now is keeping to some type of schedule. I’ve become some type of gypsy and have been doing things when the wind blows. This is great that a loosened up a bit, but maybe I’ve taken it a bit too far. My short-term goal has been to be more proactive with my time and make things happen and to use my free time for what it is. I haven’t had much balance in my life. I’ve full tilted in the other direction.

2. Make a plan. Now that you’ve set those short term goals, it’s time to make a plan for execution. It’s not enough that you said you were going to work out for 45-minutes 3 times a week. I suggest that you plan out what time you’re going to do those workouts and what you’re going to do during that time. If you’ve fallen off track, it’s best to go in with the best intention and not waste that time. Bad ruts can be broken with a bit of planning, so give yourself the chance to go in strong!

My plan for better time management is getting back into planning and setting up a calendar. Over the years, I have really gotten away from this because I’ve been stuck in habits. Basically, I knew what each day would bring, but lately, I’ve been forgetting to do stuff or pay bills on time. I use to multi-task like a boss, but now I’m lucky to remember what day of the week it is.

The most important thing is to stick to the plan. That doesn’t mean you need to be super rigid about it. It’s ok to change and adapt to the program when you need to do. It’s your plan, make it work for you. If you can’t work out until 9 pm, then that’s your thing. Don’t try to get up in the early morning if it’s going to cause more stress in your life. If you don’t have time to prep, 5 days worth of meals, maybe start with prepping just 3 days or only a few meals.

A routine is meant to make things easier on you, so don’t overthink it or make it too complicated.

3. Get organized. Some people thrive in chaos. I’m not one of those people. If things aren’t in order, you might be wasting your time looking for misplaced items or just trying to clear your head. Take the time to clean out your car, your purse, your gym bag, your refrigerator, etc. Clearing out the junk in your life will give you a clear headspace.

I’m going to confess something to you, and I’m kind of embarrassed to share this. I haven’t folded laundry in MONTHS, and I’ve just let it pile up, and my closet looks like a disaster zone. I didn’t unpack my bag from Cinncinati until two weeks ago. My car has been a wreck because I just let everything pile up in there and don’t think twice about it. Do you know how bad that is when you have a child? I found an old grilled cheese sandwich under the seat. I can’t tell you how long it sat there. It’s just not a good situation.

The truth is: I wasn’t making these things a priority, and it was always something I would get to “later.” That soon meant things were piling up all over the house and it just turned into chaos. On a side note, it’s like I don’t know how to throw things away. The donation and trash piles are ever growing this week.

4. Try to mix things up from a previous routine. Going back to an old method isn’t a bad thing, but adding something different/new might give you a little motivation to stay on track with your plans. Read a different genre of book, try out new meal prep recipes, try a new workout routine or group fitness class, or try out a new morning routine. There are little things that you can change up to make it slightly different. Remember, there’s always room to adapt and change to make it work for yourself.

These are just a few SIMPLE sets to get back into a routine. It sounds easy enough, but sometimes we need these little reminders to regain focus. It is a journey that starts, ends, and begins again.

Do you have any more tips to help get back into a routine?


Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

This is a sponsored post.  I teamed up with Fit Approach and Personal Trainer Foods to receive a 14-day trial to the service.  This is a paid review but my opinions are my own.  Happy reading! Personal Trainer Food is a meal delivery service to help people who are looking for weight loss results.  I was very excited to take part in this experience to help keep me focused in the new year.  As you know, I did weight 338 pounds just seven years ago and having a service like this would have been priceless.  When on a weight loss…

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