Happy Halloween!

Halloween never comes on a Friday night so I’m excited to hand out candy to the kiddies tonight!

Happy Halloween! I love giving out the candy to the kids! I'm not a big candy eater so having it in our house is not tempting to us. But I want to know what your favorite Halloween candy?
This morning I prepped the candy bucket and I am so excited to see the kids dressed up in their costumes. I just hope the kids will show up since it’s Friday night in the South. That is usually filled with high school football, so we’ll see.

I’ve been taking a poll on what people’s favorite candy is and chocolate seems to win out. Chocolate bars and chocolate peanut butter cups. Back in the day, I used to tear up peanut butter cups so I would probably go with that.

Having the candy is our house isn’t tempting because it’s just not something I want to eat. If I were to put some Twizzlers in the house, Willie would be seriously tempted though. That’s really the only candy he eats…and peanut butter cups.

Did you see the post I posted on FB about eating the Halloween candy and working it off? It’s definitely something you should check out if you plan on eating a lot of candy!  Eat a piece and work it off!

I was asked this morning if we gave out candy at our house for Halloween.  Yes we do!  It’s a special day for kids and they should enjoy it.  I don’t need to brow beat my healthy eating habits onto a kid on the biggest candy day of the year.  I do hope parents teach their kids about moderation though.  In addition to giving out candy, I give out pretzels too.  One year I tried the pre-packaged apple slices and that didn’t go over to well.  But there has always been candy.

I hope everyone enjoys a spooky special Halloween on this Friday!  Have a piece of candy but not too much!

Are you dressing up for Halloween?  What are you going to be?

Happy Halloween! Is it all about candy?

Happy Halloween! Is it all about candy?

It’s the day that we all loved as kids because we could dress up like anything and get free candy for it!  And of course, there are the pumpkins.  Children get so excited about pumpkins and most adults don’t enjoy the carving process.  I wonder if it’s because it’s too messy or just too time consuming? Last Saturday, we took our god daughter to the pumpkin patch. She was running around that place so fast and having the time of her life, even though there weren’t many pumpkins left. That’s understandable though because Halloween was very near. She is all…

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