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Race Recap: The Ultracentric Experience 6 HR

Good morning.  It’s early but I’m still excited from yesterday.  I ran the Ultracentric Gold Rush 6 HR Race.  The race is actually a 72/48/24/12/6 HR running event.  Yes, there are people who had been out there since Thursday morning.  I think that’s crazy.  The whole thing is set up where they serve you real food throughout the day to keep you fueled.  Ultrarunning is very different from road racing.  Let me back up, for people who don’t know what an ultra marathon is: it’s anything about 26.2 miles.  The atmosphere is more laid back.  It’s really all about having…

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GO HARD – Hug a Runner

GO HARD – Hug a Runner

Go hug a runner because it’s time to Go HARD.  It’s Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day!  Last year, I missed out but this year I got in lots of hugs! I told you running makes me want to hug people! These are some of my favorite people but not all. So don’t get offended if you’re picture isn’t here. I’ve been icing my foot. Sunday when I ran the half marathon in the rain, I think my shoes were too tight or too lose and were sliding up and down my foot. It hurt like the dickens so I…

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For the love of root vegetables and apples

For the love of root vegetables and apples

Everyone is very focused on the holidays and looking forward to Thanksgiving, right? Fall is my favorite season because of all the great foods that come back into season.  I wanted to share with you some of my favorites of the seasons.  Spoiler alert:  you will not see pumpkin on this list.  Don’t get me wrong, I love pumpkin but I feel like most people go ga-ga over pumpkin and now we’re in pumpkin overload.  I blame it on the pumpkin spice latte. Root vegetables: Before weight loss I never met a potato I didn’t like. I loved potatoes and…

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The beginning of MY quest

The beginning of MY quest

If you’ve been reading the blog, you may have noticed between the lines that I’ve been in search of something.  The past 6 years I’ve been trying to move in a positive direction after being so not positive for a long period of life.  Before I played the victim, I complained all the time and nothing could ever make me happy.  It wasn’t a great situation which didn’t make me a fun person to be around.  A lot of my personal relationships suffered greatly and I knew I had to make a change.  Today I feel like I’ve taken a…

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Race Recap: La Porte By The Bay Half …

Race Recap: La Porte By The Bay Half Marathon

Today I ran a half marathon.  This was one that wasn’t on the schedule.  It was kind of last minute and it was a race I had never done before.  Last week I ran a bridge so it’s not that bad of an idea.  The race was only a hour and some change away so it wasn’t a big deal to run it. The day started out with some run group fun! I love all of these people. They really make me smile. And they get that I don’t do well with small talk. I wore my new compression socks…

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Meal prep moved to Saturday

Meal prep moved to Saturday

Happy Saturday night.  Most people are out doing interesting things and I’m blogging.  But I wanted to let you know that I’m not dead.  I’m still here.  I’m just trying to figure everything out.  I may or may not be struggling with documenting everything on social media.  I’ll stop complaining about it because I signed up for it.  So what’s been going on with me? Of course I’ve been running. I have a few big things planned for the rest of the year so I’m trying to stay in top form before a take a break in December. I could…

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Loose skin is suddenly back in the topic …

Loose skin is suddenly back in the topic column

You may have seen the Muscle and Fitness article about the effects of extreme weight loss on skin.  John David Glaude stripped down to show you what’s it like.  The only thing I could think about when I saw it was, “he’s pretty brave.” His message is correct! He said he’s comfortable clothed but not so much unclothed so that is why he decided to do the video. This is the most relateable thing I’ve seen on the internet about weight loss. The fear of the loose skin with weight loss is real. I have people writing me all the…

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You are enough so embrace it.

You are enough so embrace it.

It’s a big world out there and sometimes it’s hard to navigate and stay true to yourself.  I remember my teenage years and all the adults claiming “you’ll find yourself as your grow older.”  Everyone has heard the “just be you and don’t worry about what other people think” speech, but it’s easier said than done, right? As I grow older though, I think it becomes harder to be who you are without being conscious of what other people may think or say. It never gets easier and it never goes away.  It’s something everyone has to work towards.  Just…

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Race recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon

Race recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon

It’s my favorite race of the year!  I love the Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon for many reasons but most importantly, it’s just a great race with great people.  I run all over the country but it’s nice to run the local races.  I’m so blessed that my community has two great local long run events. This is my 3rd year running the bridge and I wouldn’t miss it for anything.  The race is scenic and it’s always great to run a bridge, right? I didn’t have a goal this year because last year I was really sluggish at this…

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It’s holiday time but you still need …

It’s holiday time but you still need to stay fit

I walked into a store last Saturday and they were playing Christmas carols.  I had to think to myself, “wasn’t it just Halloween?”  I guess we’re completely giving up on Thanksgiving this year in lieu of the other holidays. My plan is to come up with some dishes that you can share around the holiday table without blowing out your calories.  This is something Willie and I will work on together so it will appear on both blogs.  But today I want to talk about overindulging in the holiday goodness. I know it’s the holidays and  you should enjoy it.…

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Done with being sick so I’m trying …

Done with being sick so I’m trying to get back to normal

Yep I was sick!  That’s all I could talk about but I’m glad that it’s passed.  I actually want to get moving again.  I guess the best thing about getting sick was it happened after a marathon which forced me into rest/recovery mode.  Things are almost back to normal but I can’t hear out of my ear!  It’s still blocked up. The big lesson to learn from my sickness incident is: listen to your body.  If you’re sick it’s best to get over it instead of trying to push through it.  Kind of funny coming from me since I ran…

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