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Giveaway: Runningluv handles your sweat

Last year at the Little Rock Marathon, I met Danielle from runningluv.com.  We went gaga over this product last year. Now I basically just follow her around from expo to expo. But the thing is, I love this product. You can use it as a sweat rag, a tissue or a sweatband. it’s the perfect workout accessory. It’s perfect and it’s just not for running. Anyone who sweats doing a good workout, NEEDS this product. The Runningluv comes in numerous colors and several different designs. There are several ways to wrap it so it can be used over and over…

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Hello from Alabama and what I ate.

Hello from Alabama and what I ate.

Hey all.  This morning I hopped in the car to travel to Alabama because it’s Mercedes-Benz Marathon Weekend in Birmingham.  I love this city!  It has a special place in my heart. It’s really cold here though. It’s a big change from home. The day didn’t start off too well because I left at 4:00 am but I was up half the night because my stomach was bothering me. I couldn’t eat that much so breakfast was oatmeal and Quest Protein chips.  I received a box of these protein chips and Willie really loves them.  I was really excited to…

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Break out of the workout rut

Break out of the workout rut

Hello gym workout rutt. I don’t know what’s been going on but lately I’ve been less than thrilled with my workouts. It’s been pretty rough so I’ve been trying to change some things up. Going through a rut is to be expected, right? We’ve been going to the same gym for three years now so it’s probably only natural to feel the “been there, done that feeling” we’ve both been experiencing. I know we’re not the only ones who feel that way. The past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to limit my gym time and try some other things…

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Race Recap: The Austin Half Marathon

Race Recap: The Austin Half Marathon

I signed up for this race fully intending on running the full marathon. This is a race on my list that I MUST do. Last year I said I was going to do the race this year and I had high hopes of running it. I picked up my packet, enjoyed the expo for the amount of time I was there… Running a marathon takes focus and control because it really is a mental battle. My head wasn’t in the game. We had to wake up pretty early to make it the race start. They recommended being parked by 5:30…

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Sweet potato hash with an egg

Sweet potato hash with an egg

Remember when I told you about all the good stuff in Eggland’s Best eggs? I wanted to make something different that featured the egg and I came up with a sweet potato hash. To be honest, I had to use what was in the house already. Willie always tells me I’m the master of making something out of nothing, fast. Hash usually has some not so healthy things in it like fatty meats or cheeses or whatever your heart my desire but I wanted to try a more health conscious version for everyone to enjoy. Sweet potato hash with an…

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Not running all the marathons

Not running all the marathons

Last week I was prepping all week to run The Austin Marathon. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy or fast but I just wanted to run it. I kept referring to the weekend as a “shit show” but I was really excited for it. As excited that I was to run that marathon, I knew I probably shouldn’t. It nagged at me all week which made me really think about the situation. Running the marathons is fun and I love to do it. But it is incredibly taxing on the body and probably not something I need to…

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I had a good weekend

I had a good weekend

I had a really great weekend.  I know I don’t usually post stuff about my normal day to day on the blog, but maybe I should do more things like that. I spent Valentine’s Day being active with Willie and support my best friend at her school 5k.  Note:  it was a lot of walking on a soccer field. Totally not serious, but A LOT of fun! And someone showed me to to stretch because I wasn’t do it right! Then we headed to the expo to pick up our packets. Then I fought the ridiculous Austin traffic to hang…

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Sponsored: Taste the freshness with Eggland’s Best …

Sponsored: Taste the freshness with Eggland’s Best Eggs.

I do love eggs, that is not a secret.  I became very weary of eating anything but eggs whites when we started our weight loss journey.  Willie always told me that was silly because eggs were really not that bad to eat because eggs are a great source of protein and vitamins.  Come to find out, Willie was right and there’s really no need to avoid the whole egg. That is why I was so excited when I was contacted by Eggland’s Best to talk about their eggs.  Eggs don’t have to be an ingredient in your dish, it can…

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Things I’ve learned.

Things I’ve learned.

This week I turned down my dream job because in the end it wasn’t really my dream job. It was a great job and I’m honored to have been offered the job. In the end, I knew the job was amazing but it wasn’t my time for this job. It was a very emotional process for me and I learned a couple of things: 1. Ultimately, my husband will always come first. What he thinks and feels has always been important to me. I travel a lot but I do that because I want to do that. I control the…

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Meal Prep 101: The Basics

Meal Prep 101: The Basics

*This is the first in the series of meal prepping posts I will be doing on the blog. I think it’s time for me to start my series on meal prepping. I’ve gathered the questions that were asked and I’ve put them into the categories. Where most people just want ideas for what to make, a lot of people just have some basic questions about the process. Today I will address some of the issues and challenges people have had with meal prepping. The most asked question is about keeping things in the fridge all week. Won’t the food go…

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Race Recap: Katy Half Marathon

Race Recap: Katy Half Marathon

I’ve realized that I’m not super into remembering what happened during a race and honestly, that’s not the most important part of a race for me.  The actual running part is my own thing and some days I’m feeling it and other days I’m not.  That doesn’t make or break a race situation for me. This past weekend I decided to run the Katy Half Marathon because I wasn’t feeling motivated to run.  I really couldn’t trust that I would get out of bed to run and I knew I needed a little extra motivation.  I was skeptical of doing…

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