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Bread pudding for Thanksgiving? I say yes!

It’s November and everyone is thinking about Thanksgiving!  I love Thanksgiving because I get to spend time with family and friends and just have a good time.  There’s running, food and football, what else could be better? It’s just a great time to be thankful for all the great things in life. I am usually responsible for the Thanksgiving meal which is very fun for me.  The not so fun part is coordinating everyone’s taste buds.  Mashed potatoes vs. sweet potatoes.  Turkey vs. ham.  Potato salad vs. mac and cheese. Apple pie vs. pumpkin pie vs sweet potato pie.  It’s…

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Race Recap: The Pensacola Marathon

Race Recap: The Pensacola Marathon

The Pensacola Marathon was on November 8, 2015.  I decided to run this race on a whim because I had to cancel my trip to Las Vegas because I couldn’t miss work due to my mom’s impending surgery.  I needed to meet my state goal and it was completely last minute.  That is the reason I ended up running a half marathon the day before this race. I got in the car and drove to my best friend Mandie’s house so that we could venture to Florida together.  The drive wasn’t that long.  It was something like an hour and…

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Race Recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon 2015

Race Recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon 2015

I’m late on my race recaps, but this is what Tuesday is for.  On November 7, 2015 I ran the Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon which will always be remembered at the Mosquito and Monsoon Festival 2015.  The minute we pulled into the parking lot the mosquitoes swarmed the car and I knew it was over at that point.  We even bug sprayed before we left the house because the bugs are always bad.  This year it was worse. It was so bad that we didn’t even want to take pictures before the race.  This is the only picture we…

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Motivation Monday: Be the best for yourself

Motivation Monday: Be the best for yourself

Hey all!  Today’s motivation Monday was sparked by a Facebook comment. I ran a race yesterday. I know you’re shocked, right?  I’ve been feeling way under the weather and I wasn’t expecting much.  The one thing I was counting on that it would be a horrible experience.  I was still sleeping 20 minutes before the start of the race. Something happened after the race that made me WANT to make this video. After I finished the race I posted this: I finished and I didn’t do horrible either. Ran the half in 2:18 and I was sick. Nice way to…

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Five Things Friday: tips to avoid food temptation

Five Things Friday: tips to avoid food temptation

Halloween just passed and we’re on the cusp of holiday season.  There will be comfort foods, cakes, pies and all types of goodies being shoved in our faces all day long.  From home to work to social gatherings, the holiday season has arrived but what does that mean if you’re on your weight loss journey or just trying not to over indulge. Every year I post something similiar because every year I feel like I learn a little bit more about how tempting some foods can be and sometimes those are the foods you just can’t stay away from.  The…

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We are in Runner’s World talking weight …

We are in Runner’s World talking weight loss!

I am so happy to finally share with everyone that we are in the December 2015 issue of Runner’s World.  I guess we could have spoke about it before but honestly, we didn’t know much information about it.  When running the Pensacola Marathon on Sunday someone at an aid station stopped to ask me if I was the girl in the magazine.  That is really when I found out it had hit the shelf.  On my way home yesterday, I stopped in Baton Rouge and purchased them all. Haha! The forces at Action for Healthy Kids are making my dreams…

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Orthorexia: is this a real thing?

Orthorexia: is this a real thing?

I don’t know if you read the post making the rounds about the new eating disorder: orthorexia. Orthorexia is an obession with eating only foods that are considered healthy. Apparently, only eating healthy foods is a problem. I guess it’s time for a little bit of story time. When we started the weight loss journey everything was super clean. No salt, no sauces, no resturant food but we did what worked for us. I think people thought we were going overboard at some points. I knew that, I didn’t need people to tell us that. Our biggest reason for going…

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Five Things Friday: the blog blocked edition.

Five Things Friday: the blog blocked edition.

Welcome to this week’s Five Things Friday. I don’t know if I just have too much stuff going on right now (aka stress) or what but I can’t seem to focus on writing a blog post right now. I’ve sat down three times today to write a post and it’s just not coming. I’m blocked. I never want the blog a source of stress in my life. For today I’m going to let the blog post go. I always want to create content that you can gain something from but today it’s not happening. Instead you’re going to learn about…

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Why meal prep hasn’t been a priority

Why meal prep hasn’t been a priority

The month of October has flown by and you may have noticed something was missing from blog.  There has been a noticable absence of meal prepping or cooking going on in my life.  I just wasn’t home long enough to get make it priority.  I spent half the month packing for trips, running and in airports.  The meals I made were quick and easy and didn’t require much prep. Sadly, most of those meals came from the freezer or out of a can.  It was just what worked for me during this time.  The time between trips would sometimes just…

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Happy National Sandwich Day!

Happy National Sandwich Day!

One should not be this excited for a day like this, but I will admit I’m super excited for National Sandwich Day!  I do love a good sandwich because the possibilities are endless.  I don’t want to be like Bubba from Forest Gump but I could name a ton of sandwich combinations that I love! The simplest things make the best sandwiches and sandwiches are so easy to make.  And the best thing about sandwiches? Those things are pretty hard to mess up. What is considered a sandwich? From wikipedia: A sandwich is a food item consisting of one or…

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Define your success

Define your success

Winning isn’t everything and being the best isn’t all that.  Keep that in mind as you go through life.  It’s great to come in on top and it’s great to highly successful but that isn’t going to happen every time you do try something. It’s ok not to be the best at something.  It’s acceptable to try something and not get it the first time.  It’s not acceptable to give up after trying something that didn’t go the way you thought it would go the first time around. The thing to remember is there is more than one way to…

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