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The Total Life Changes Tea Detox Fraud

I’ve spent many hours trying to track down who is spreading the message that Willie and I used some TLC (Total Life Changing) Tea as part of our diet plan. I’m here to bust this right open to let you know that I don’t even know what that mess is. We’ve never used it and I would definitely never endorse it. I only endorse and/or represent brands I use on the regular. Otherwise, I’m not being true to myself and I’m definitely not being honest with you guys. Big thanks to Robin for letting me know this was out there…

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Motivation: If you don’t succeed, try again

Motivation: If you don’t succeed, try again

Happy Monday everyone!  It’s time for a little Monday Motivation for you about trying.  I just want to let you know it’s ok to fail, it’s ok to make mistakes and it’s ok to do less than your best.  It’s not ok to let those missteps keep you from moving forward. If you don’t succeed, try again! Let’s all make the committment to live life and that includes trying…and possibly failing. Sometimes there is a need to take chances and step out of the comfort zone. For many years, I would stayed stagnant by not attempting anything new. I was…

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Taking a break

Taking a break

Hello all.  I wanted to keep you update on my antics, just in case you don’t follow me on social media.  I’ve still been instagraming, snap chatting and tweeting but you may miss that if you’re not into the social media thing. I’ve still been working out and sticking to my schedule.  Getting out and getting my exercise has been mone of the most important things in my life right now.  It’s been a major priority and just been trying to stick with a schedule.  And I’ve really been enjoying teaching my cycle classes this month.  Maybe it’s all the…

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Recipe: Shredded Chicken Caserole

Recipe: Shredded Chicken Caserole

We’ve been a little pressed for time and Willie doesn’t really want to clean a lot of pots and pans so I’ve been making some casseroles lately.  This one that is great for lunch because it’s easy to pre-portion out and great for on the go. There are few steps but it’s a pretty good meal. I season the skinless chicken breast and thighs and bake them covered in the oven at 450 degrees for 45-50 minutes.  I use a mixture of both breast and thighs for moisture in the dish.  Chicken breast are really dry and I learned through…

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The struggle is real

The struggle is real

I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write a blog post and then nothing came out.  At this point, it’s too many to count.  I love this blog and I love helping people with my words but sometimes it’s hard to write here. The struggle is real. Do you care about what I eat on the regular?  I feel like I’m pretty boring and eat the same things.  Do you care what is in my fridge?  Do you care that I love to run?  Do you really want to know that I got up…

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Five Things Friday: Eating out and staying healthy

Five Things Friday: Eating out and staying healthy

I’m bringing back the five things Friday because it was something I enjoyed but kind of got away from in the past.  This Friday I’m talking about all the places I don’t mind eating out without completely blowing my healthy caloric intake.  Sometimes I do indulge but for the most part I’m trying to stay with what makes me comfortable.  When I’m on a road trip or just out and I need to eat on the go these are some places I really enjoy. Subway.  This isn’t a secret.  When I’m on the road and there’s nothing I comfortable with…

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Don’t put in the work; don’t …

Don’t put in the work; don’t expect a good result

Many of you are giving the “WTF” comments on my post about getting my run life together. This is a lesson that can be taken to every aspect of life so I wanted to explain to you why am I getting my run life together. I get where the WTF comments are coming from because you see me running all the time. That’s the thing, I am running all the time, but I’m not running consistently. Basically, I haven’t been putting in the work. I’m just going through the motions and that’s not what I want RIGHT now. I want…

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Bad doesn’t always mean bad

Bad doesn’t always mean bad

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you are having a fabulous start to the week.  I had a great weekend hanging with friends and running some trails but there is more on that later.  It’s time for a little motivation on Monday about why bad doesn’t always mean bad. The weight loss journey was hard and frustrating but the positive was we were working toward a goal. Even on the worst days, it was just easier to move forward imagining what things would be like in the end. There are times when you find yourself in a place that isn’t the…

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My week in recovery

My week in recovery

I’m probably being too cautious with my recovery but I don’t want to be injured again where I shouldn’t be running.  That’s a very scary things.  I felt like I lost my best friend and I don’t like losing my best friends.  It hurts and it’s sad.  No more sad faces in my life. Welcome to my week in recovery. So I’ve been really weird about my running.  I haven’t ran this week since I ran a lot last weekend.  I’m running the Austin Marathon in 3 weeks and I really want to do well.  Last year, I bailed out…

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Water drinking experiment: out of sight out of …

Water drinking experiment: out of sight out of mind?

It’s winter.  It’s coldish and the need to drink water has lessened.  I’m not trying to cool my body off from heat and I’m just plain not thirsty.  These are the times it’s very trying to achieve my daily water goals.  I’ve been failing at this lately. I had my very own water drinking experiment. I always tell people to put water on their desk at work.  I use to do it all the time but then I stopped or I would place my bottle across the room.  It was never within reach.  When it was far away from me,…

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Having fun at the Louisiana Marathon weekend

Having fun at the Louisiana Marathon weekend

It’s currently 2am and I can’t sleep.  I really thought I was going to sleep the whole night but I woke up around midnight and couldn’t go back to sleep.  I thought I should do some productive things so I packed up my stuff, uploaded some pictures and now I’m blogging.  Some people sleep well after a marathon, and then there’s me.  There’s no sleeping for me.  This is not news. The Louisiana Marathon weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year.  There is just something about this race that I just can’t get over.  The atmosphere is…

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