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Episode #8: Life after weight loss

We Beat Fat Episode #8: Life after weight loss From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: life after weight loss The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week: Life after weight loss Many people have asked about losing weight and keeping off or in Willie’s case, gaining it back.  This episode of the podcast you have a candid chat about losing weight…

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Weekly Meal Plan: Chicken in the Instapot

Weekly Meal Plan: Chicken in the Instapot

The meal plan hasn’t really been something I’ve been talking about, but we’ve still been cooking it up.  I don’t always eat the meals for dinner, it might pop us as a lunch thing, but at least it gets eaten, right? I love Indian food. My town only has one place to eat Indian food but I don’t always make it out. This week I decided it was time to try some Butter Chicken in the instapot. Spoiler alert: the chicken turned out great. I used both chicken breast and thighs.  And it was served with a side of coconut…

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Friday file: Sunday night edition

Friday file: Sunday night edition

I know, I’m sorry.   I left the blog vacant for a week because I’ve just been tired.  Last weekend was a huge running weekend for me.  That kind of threw my whole week off because I ran both Saturday and Sunday. I wasn’t at home to get stuff done around the house or get ready for work.  That one day of prep kind of pushed everything off.  Daily life has been busy this week. I ran two half marathons back to back.  I’ve been working with a running coach because I am really improving.  I see progress which is really…

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App review: The Peleton Digital app

App review: The Peleton Digital app

Peleton is a huge success and came onto the scene with that insane bike that people are raving over.  I’m sad to say that I don’t have one, but I want one.  I can probably justify getting one now that I’ve lost one of my cycle classes. I do have a cycle back in my living room so I did make the decision to try the app.  I’ll be real with you, I tried the app a while ago and it was $12.95/month.  I thought it was insanely expensive to pay that much for the app.  At the time, it…

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Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations

Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations

We Beat Fat Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: inspiration and motivations. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis The topic of the week: Inspirations and motivations Definition of motivation: the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way.  Motivations are internal features. Definition of inspiration: the process of being…

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Just work it out

Just work it out

Excuse me as I take a moment for a personal message.  I’ve been thinking about what my message should be to the world.  I asked people what they thought the message I was conveying through Instagram.  I don’t know why this has become so important to me, but I’ve been a little more conscious about what I’m putting out there.  I’ve been struggling to find my voice or even hone in on my message. I have things I want to do and things I want to share with the world. You might think I have my s#!t together, but I…

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Episode #6: MY basics of walking and running

Episode #6: MY basics of walking and running

We Beat Fat Episode #6: My basics of walking and running From the kitchen table: This week we are talking about my basics of walking and running. How’s your week been going?  Anything interesting you would like to share? The podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis The topic of the week: Walking and running basics Several things have led me…

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Friday File: heart rate monitor and the workout

Friday File: heart rate monitor and the workout

Happy Friday!  It’s been a long and adventurous week for me. Life has kept me busy the past two weeks and I’ve been trying to change some of my habits.  There a lot of change happening among the chaos in my life. This week I’ve been trying to get my Garmin Fenix watch of unproductive fitness mode into something that made me feel better.  Do you pay attention to your heart rate zones when you work out?  I have always paid attention to my heart rate but never in the area, I should be working.  I always assumed that if…

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Episode #5: The DECISION to lose weight

Episode #5: The DECISION to lose weight

We Beat Fat Episode #5: The Decision to lose weight From the kitchen table: This week we’re talking about the decision to lose weight and all that goes with it. How’s your week been going?  Anything interesting you would like to share? The podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week:  The decision to lose weight Most of…

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A Weekly Dinner Meal Plan: Ground Turkey

A Weekly Dinner Meal Plan: Ground Turkey

The meal plan and meal prep are what is on everyone’s mind.  There’s not much for me to offer you in this area because I don’t create my own recipes. Plus, I don’t mind eating the same food all week.  I can make one meal and eat it for dinner all week, but I know some people just don’t like leftovers. I thought I would try to create a dinner meal plan for the blog readers. To make grocery shopping a bit easier, I focused on one protein cooked different ways throughout the week. Here’s the meal plan with this…

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Episode #4: The comparison trap

Episode #4: The comparison trap

We Beat Fat Episode #4: The comparison trap From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: the comparison trap The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   We’re on everywhere you can find your podcasts.  Leave a review of the podcast. Rate us. It helps more people get the podcast. Contact us: webeatfat@gmail.com or on social media Angela: blog: momworksitout.com,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – fb.com/momworksitoutblog Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week: The comparison trap Tips to avoiding the comparison trap: Showing some gratitude: What…

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