How to Conquer the Mental Challenge in Your Medial Weight Loss Program

There’s such a big difference when you’re in a medical weight loss program versus losing weight for aesthetic and confidence purposes. Sure, for both, you’re going to want this to happen quickly, you’re going to want to do what you can to make sure nothing is stagnant. But overall, both of these are about setting sail on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. But let’s be honest—it’s not all smooth sailing.

Monthly wrap-up June 2023

The physical challenges are one thing, but the mental hurdles? Those can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. To a degree, there’s room for “failure,” and you should take your time if you’re doing it for aesthetic reasons and confidence. 

But when it comes to medical reasons, you need to lose weight quickly, but at the same time, it needs to be healthy. It’s like there’s more pressure cause there’s just no room for any sort of mistake. So what can you do? Here’s what you need to know about covering the mental challenge of being in a medial-based weight loss program.

Embrace the Struggle and Own It

It’s okay to acknowledge that the struggle is real. Pretending everything is easy-peasy doesn’t help anyone. It’s okay to have tough days, to feel frustrated, or even to wonder if it’s all worth it. But overall, accepting these feelings is the first step to overcoming them. You’re not alone in this; everyone on a weight loss journey hits these mental roadblocks. So, own your struggle. Just go ahead and recognize it, feel it, and then prepare to smash through it.

Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate the Small Wins

One of the biggest mental traps in a weight loss program is the “all or nothing” mentality. If you don’t hit your target weight by a specific date, you haven’t failed. The key is setting realistic and achievable goals. 

It could be losing a pound a week or simply making healthier food choices for a month. But overall, celebrate these small victories because they add to significant changes over time. Did you choose a salad over fries? High-five! Every small win is a step closer to your goal.

Mindfulness Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Okay, this sounds way too generic, right? Well, mindfulness isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for keeping your mental game strong. Being mindful helps you stay in the moment and appreciate the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. 

When you eat, really savor your food. When you exercise, feel the movement and strength in your body. Honestly, it’s all about making your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Focus on What You Can Control

There will be days when everything seems out of your control. Maybe the scale isn’t budging, or life throws you a curveball that makes sticking to your plan impossible. Just don’t give up, and please don’t get mad at yourself! A weight loss journey is hard and unpredictable!

Visualize Your Success

So, it will help to take a few moments each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals. Just think about a healthier you, a happier you, one without any medical issues. 

Weight Loss Stall? Here’s What’s Stopping …

Weight Loss Stall? Here’s What’s Stopping It!

Losing weight is a challenging thing to do. The problem is that it’s not the weight loss part that is hard, but overcoming the challenges that get in your way. As somebody who has been overweight or obese for some time, you’ll know that it’s never just a case of mind over matter. Obesity is a disease, and food can be an addiction. The problem is trying to identify that addiction and making sure that you can overcome it—weight loss issues. If you are currently going through a weight loss journey, but your weight loss seems to have slowed down…

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4 Key Things To Know Before Taking Any Weight …

4 Key Things To Know Before Taking Any Weight Loss Medication

Weight loss medication is everywhere nowadays, but that isn’t necessarily great. These medications have their uses and benefits, though the over-popularization means many of us are being drawn in without knowing what we’re properly getting into.  You see countless “success stories” online, and it tempts you to give weight loss medication maybe a go. You should consult a doctor before taking any medication, but what else should you know before looking into weight loss meds?  Does it genuinely work? You’ll find an absurd amount of weight loss medications online, and some work while others are placebos. What’s the point in…

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Key Comfort Hacks to Help You Sleep Well

Key Comfort Hacks to Help You Sleep Well

Even when you’re more tired than you imagine, you still struggle to get a good night’s sleep when you need it the most. Getting comfortable at night isn’t something you have mastered yet, so what can you do to ensure you sleep well in the evening? It is so important to take care of yourself when you’re a parent, and sleep plays a massive role in this. Feeling comfortable is the first place to start; from bed sheets to pajamas, you must have everything in place. These key comfort hacks will help you to sleep well no matter what. Invest…

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How I’m building workout consistency

How I’m building workout consistency

I used to be the consistency queen, but things have changed in my life. I’m not consistent at much anymore due to stepping away from the systems that kept me on task. I’ve overfilled my to-do list, which has left me paralyzed. I hope that makes sense. Over the past six months, I’ve given myself too much grace to operate, which has left me in a place of not committing too much. Now that my schedule is less filled with PTA things, I have decided to get my life back on track, and I’m starting with my workout schedule. It…

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Take care of yourself, because no one else …

Take care of yourself, because no one else will

You have got to take care of your health. It’s not funny anymore that several people are not looking after themselves, are not doing what they need to do, and are living in ignorance. It might be a more leisurely life right now, but later down the line, when facing problems that could have been avoided if you had looked after yourself a little better, you won’t think so then. In this article, we will look at some of the things you should do to care for yourself, so keep reading if you want to learn more. What You’re Putting Into…

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Leading Causes Of Weight Gain And Obesity

Leading Causes Of Weight Gain And Obesity

Obesity occurs when your weight reaches a point where it’s considered unhealthy for your height. The disease affects both the young and the old. Risk factors like physical activity level, sleep habits, and diet can lead to excess weight gain. Other things like genetics and medications may also play a key role in obesity. Your body may store extra energy as fat if you eat high calories but don’t use all the energy. Understanding the common causes of obesity can help you take measures to avoid the negative health consequences. Here are a few you should know about.  Diet habits Diet dramatically contributes to…

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3 Science-Backed Ways To Make Your Body Feel Better …

3 Science-Backed Ways To Make Your Body Feel Better Every Day

Everyone knows what it’s like when their body doesn’t feel right. You could feel sluggish, have random aches and pains, and more. While this usually goes away relatively quickly, sometimes it doesn’t. Though this normally isn’t too concerning, you’ll still want to make your body feel better. As much as you’d want it, though, you mightn’t know what you should do. It’s always worth going with what the science says you should do. Thankfully, that doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can do it relatively easily. It’s worth diving into three of the more effective of these. Make Your…

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How to Stay Healthy as a Family Unit

How to Stay Healthy as a Family Unit

Trying to stay healthy as a family with everything modern life demands can be challenging. But you can include healthy activities in your family’s day-to-day life. It means changing your family life, such as getting outside and drinking more water. Exercise Together as a Family One of the most powerful ways to get healthy together is by simply exercising. Exercise as a family is easier than ever, and you can use it to your advantage. For example, if you enjoy exercise more than others, you can use something as simple as a family walk in the park as a chest…

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Back to Healthy Living After Baby: A Mom’…

Back to Healthy Living After Baby: A Mom’s Guide to Reclaiming Wellness

Hey there, awesome new mama! A big high-five to you for bringing that tiny, utterly cute, and, yes, super needy little one into your life! Ready to dive back into being healthy and fit, mom-style? Just because you’re a mom now doesn’t mean you should forget about your own health. You’re totally going to rock this!   So, those first few weeks (or, let’s be real, months) with your newborn, huh? It’s like you’re in the middle of a beautiful, crazy storm. Your days are filled with feedings, diaper changes, and trying to figure out why your little one is…

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4 Ways To Incorporate Fitness Into Your Family’s …

4 Ways To Incorporate Fitness Into Your Family’s Routine

Fitness is essential for every family member, regardless of age. It’s the key to helping the little ones develop strong bones and muscles and plays a crucial role in healthy aging in seniors. Incorporating fitness into your family’s routine effectively ensures that your family remains physically active and healthy. Thankfully, studies show that 89% of parents love being physically active with their kids. But physical activities alone are not enough to do the trick. The following tips can help you incorporate fitness into your family’s routine.  Establish fitness goals Set fitness goals or objectives that the whole family can work towards daily, weekly, or…

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