The great thing about Mondays

Happy Monday everyone! Sometimes Mondays get a bad wrap because the day comes after the weekend, but it’s not always that bad.  The great thing about Mondays is it’s a time to start fresh and wipe the slate clean.


Mondays are a day when I try to actually put together an outfit to wear. Here is what I’m sporting today and this has no place in the actual blog post but it’s fun, right?

Monday is a day of reflection of what you accomplished the previous week and what you want to do in the upcoming week.

The great thing about Mondays is the day is filled with possibility.  Everything is possible on this first day of the week.  It’s the time to plan and execute.  I know I’m the most positive on  Monday even though I don’t want to get out of bed or it takes a little longer to get moving.

The positivity more than likely comes from coming off of some really good days and still enjoying the moments.  Take advantage of that feeling and start off the week making plans and taking a proactive stance on life. It doesn’t have to be this BIG, MASSIVE thing but get started on something.  Remember the small steps lead to big strides and those things happen one day at a time.

Today could be the day you go to a new group fitness class.  Or today could be the day you choose to go to to the gym for the first.  Is today your day to give up sugary soda?  Or will this be the day you decide you want to run a marathon?

What’s on my plan this week?  I think it might be time to get back to some meal prep.  I haven’t been doing it because I’ve been traveling.  I kind of miss doing it and my eating habits haven’t been A++ because I’ve been eating quick stuff and eating out a bunch.  It’s time to break the cycle.  That is going to be my Monday focus.

What is going to make your Monday great?  What will be your Monday focus?