It’s sad to say but the trip to San Diego is over. We’re currently on the plane flying home, so this is good time to blog. We had a great amazing time while we were here and met some really great people. We had a chance to share our story which is something we didn’t anticipate. It’s funny how our shirts attract people and we just end up talking to everyone. It’s super great to be in a position to tell our story and inspire others to accomplish ANY goal they might have in life.
Friday morning Willie and I got up and went for a hike at Torrey Pines Reserve. This was so fun and the view was beautiful. Mountain sides, cliffs, and beaches made the hike so worth it. I wanted to keep going but Willie was ready to stop. I can’t even tell you how many miles we went but we were out there for almost 2 hours. On our way up, I met Sylvia. She has lost 70 pounds on her journey and talked about hitting the weight loss plateau. She saw the shirt and stopped to ask and we had a nice little chat. It’s nice to be able to talk to people who know what you’re going through and just can relate to the journey.
The thing about plateaus in weight loss is: they just happen. There is no rhyme or reason to why it happens, but it just happens. It could be your bodies way of telling you it’s not ready to lose any more weight or it could just be a sign that you need to change things up. It’s hard when you’re working so hard and nothing happens week after week. That doesn’t mean you should stop working, it just means you need to keep with it. Plus, I really think it’s a time to reflect on how far you’ve come and how to push forward to the future. I know it’s easier said than done, but you need to turn a positive into a negative. Take the time to set a new set of goals and re-evaulate your old goals.

Any weight loss is a victory and it should be celebrated. The time it takes you lose to the weight doesn’t matter. Getting out there and wanting to lose the weight is the hardest part, so be proud of any weight loss that you might have. Celebrate it and use it as motivation to move into the future. Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard, but when you get to where you’re going it’s totally worth it.
The hike was so beautiful and kept going and going. I wanted to walk the whole thing, but Willie couldn’t handle it because I’m insane. My limits are higher than most others and I often have to tell others to tell me when they have reached their limit because I just won’t stop. We did stop along the way to take pictures.

I also have to admit, the picture below is something I always wanted to do! When I was heavier I knew it wouldn’t ever work out. So I had to try it. This was a first for me and I’m glad that I was able to do it in such a pretty place:

So where’s the prettiest place you’ve ever been? And, have you ever hit a weight loss plateau? What did you do to over come it?