The struggle is real but…

The struggle is real to workout, eat right and just stay focused.  But there are other things in life that we all struggle with that sometimes makes things seems harder than usual, right?  I’m here to tell you to not let the struggle take over you.  The struggle is real but you can get through it.

Sometimes we see struggle as a sign of weakness in ourselves, but we must realize that struggle is a natural part of life.  Without the struggle, we wouldn’t appreciate the joys of accomplishments.  Without the struggle, we definitely wouldn’t look back at the road that led us to the points we are now.  Those roads, the struggle make up bits of who we are today.

Don’t discount the struggle.

The struggle is real but it teaches us to push ourselves past our limits.  The struggle gets us to search for solutions instead of creating problems.  The struggle builds strength of character and gives us a grit.  In the end, the struggle keeps us pushing forward because we don’t want to be in the struggle forever, right?


The struggle has been memed to death to make us laugh and that’s ok too.  Sometimes you just need a laugh to get through the struggle of trying times.  Just remember there is always a way out of the struggle just by taking a moment each day to work through the obstacle.  Yes, it’s sometimes not having enough money to buy to things you want or need or it’s something that sends you into a complete tailspin.  It’s okay to struggle.


I will admit that is what I love most about running long distance.  It’s never easy and there are times when I start off that I never think I’m going to finish.  It’s the perfect exercise in working through a problem and coming to a conclusion.  (I can’t say that conclusion is always happy.)  But it teaches me to garner strength when I’m at my weakness and pull that strength from places I never imagined I could get strength from.  And it’s the constant reminder to me the struggle is indeed temporary and I can work through any problem I may encounter.

The struggle is real, but it won’t last forever.  It’s just a temporary thing and you will make it through.  Have a good laugh, find a meme and create the solution to the struggle.

Why must a black woman choose between her …

Why must a black woman choose between her hair and health?

Welcome to Transformation Tuesday and I wanted to talk about something different today.  I can’t and won’t deny the fact that I’m a black woman and once upon a time, I didn’t want to work out because it would mess up my hair.  This blog post may not appeal to you or be something you can’t relate to so it’s ok to skip this one if you want.  But for now, I must keep talking. (Afterthought inserted here) I want to preface this blog post by saying that our hair is not more important than our health. I am writing…

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The struggle is real

The struggle is real

I wish I could tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write a blog post and then nothing came out.  At this point, it’s too many to count.  I love this blog and I love helping people with my words but sometimes it’s hard to write here. The struggle is real. Do you care about what I eat on the regular?  I feel like I’m pretty boring and eat the same things.  Do you care what is in my fridge?  Do you care that I love to run?  Do you really want to know that I got up…

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