Five Things Friday: Mom life, salads, Chicago Marathon and more

Happy Friday, all!  By the time you’re reading this Friday will be almost over. It’s time for the Five Things Friday, but first I have to tell you some things. I wanted to put this up earlier but I’ve been dealing with the mom life (aka, a screaming infant) all day long.

I should have know it was going to be a long day when she woke up at 4am.  I hope everyone is having a great week.  Here are five things I’m digging this week:

1. Willie and I are on a podcast.  It’s finally our turn for the 300 Pounds and Running Podcast.  I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on our episode which makes me happy.  I met Martinus at Fitbloggin’ back in the day so I am was super pumped to be apart of his new podcast.  Listen to us talk about running and weight loss…and our goals. BTW: This was recorded before I found out I was pregnant so that’s why there is no mention of it.

Panera salad

2. Remember when I was all upset that Panera got rid of my salad? I’m on the search for a new salad but until then the Strawberry Chicken Poppyseed salad is back.  I was upset because I couldn’t enjoy it during my pregnancy last year.  It was too acidic but now I’m back on the good side.  I’ll have something to tie me over until I find a more permanent option.


3. As you know, I’ve been “running” again.  Some people would call it jogging.  I’m going to call it running because I feel like I’m going to pass out when I’m done.  Not really, but really.  I’m looking for some interested people to run The Chicago Marathon with me in October.  Well, not with me but for Team Action for Healthy Kids.  There is a fundraising requirement of $800 which is a great reduction PLUS it’s the 40th year of the Chicago Marathon.  That means it’s going to be great! This is a charity that is close to my heart because it’s working to make America’s schools and kids healthier.  If you want more information, I can contact you with more information.  Leave a comment below.


4. I ordered a new cookbook that I can’t wait to make something out of this week.  I’m trying to move away from the frozen meals now because I think too much of a good thing is too much.  I think I’m going to need to spend a little bit more time meal prepping to get over this hump.  I just hope the wee one will grant me the time.  I am excited to cook something out of the cookbook.  Plus, this will give me some other ideas for breakfast that might not have eggs in it.  I just haven’t been able to eat eggs since I got pregnant. I’m in search of new ideas.

Untitled5. I think I’m back on my fro-yo kick.  I was neither here nor there about it for a while, but I think I’m starting to dig it again.  This may have been too much of a good thing all over again, but I went a good while without having it.  It might be time to reintroduce it into my “cheat” meal.  What’s your favorite flavor of fro-yo?  I always enjoy cookies-n-cream or the Orange Leaf pistachio.

Honorable mention:

Willie has been doing some good stuff on this blog this week.  He’s blogging every day in April to get back on track.  He’s been posting some really good blogs that may be helpful to you.  I suggest you head over to to see what he’s talking about.

Christmas presents for your health minded person

Christmas presents for your health minded person

Next week is Christmas.  Have you done your shopping?  I haven’t done much shopping at all.  I should probably get on it.  Just in case you’re still searching for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer, I thought I would go ahead and put my list out there.  All the lists out there seem to be the same: running shoes, running fuel, blah blah blah.  Here is my list of great gifts for your fitness/health junkie friends: The price buster: An iPod.  I know you can listen to music on  your phone and most people do.  But I think it’s great…

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