How To Feel Confident In Swimwear

Whether you’re planning to experience a European Summer in 2025 or are ticking off bucket-list destinations such as the Maldives, now is the best time to start planning your outfits.

After all, this way, you can make the most of end-of-season sales as we move into colder weather while also ensuring that you pull together summer outfits that you genuinely love.

While you may already be eyeing a pair of sandals or a gorgeous summer dress, choosing swimwear can be a little more complicated. 

How to look confident in swimwear

This is likely because as many as 46% of people do not feel confident in swimwear! Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to turn this around so that you feel like the most confident version of yourself when you reach for that bikini! 

Remember that everybody is a bikini body. The first step to feeling a little more confident when wearing swimwear is, despite what influencers tell you, there’s no such thing as a ‘bikini body’, and you don’t need to look a certain way to look good in swimwear. Our bodies are all different, and that’s okay. 

Find a piece that you feel comfortable in. Another way you can ensure that you are as confident as possible when lounging by the pool or visiting the beach is by finding swimwear that you feel comfortable in. For example, if you’re looking for something more modest, you could opt for a full-piece swimsuit.

Alternatively, you could mix and match between different bikini tops and bikini bottoms. This way, you can easily pair a more risque or daring top with bottoms that are a little more conservative (or vice versa), depending on how you feel.  

Ask a stylist for help. Generally speaking, choosing a style of swimwear that flatters your body type can also boost your confidence. This is because you’ll feel much better about your appearance due to wearing something that showcases your best features. If you generally find it hard to dress for your body type, you may want to ask a stylist for help. This way, you’ll know exactly what to look for next time you shop!

Practice positive self-talk. Positive self-talk is a great way to boost your confidence in any scenario. This is because, over time, it can shape the way you think about yourself, meaning you’re less likely to be controlled by negative thoughts about your body and able to embrace your natural beauty. 

Though many people struggle with positive self-talk to begin with, over time, it will come more naturally! 

Remember that nobody is looking at you. One of the biggest reasons we tend to feel self-conscious in swimwear is that we feel as though others are looking at and judging us. However, this is rarely the case. More often than not, they are too caught up in their thoughts and feelings even to spare you a second glance! After all, you’re not looking at others in that way!

Monday Motivation: It’s all about confidence

Monday Motivation: It’s all about confidence

Today’s Monday Motivation is about confidence. Confidence is the key to success but you have to put it back in the world. Here are a few of my tips to help gain and exude confidence to your life. I’m sorry I’ve been really busy lately but I have a little lull in my schedule so I can catch up on things. It’s been a wild journey that wouldn’t be possible without all of you. I promise things will get back to normal very soon. What does confidence mean to you? And how do you share that with the people around…

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