My mom’s breast cancer is a moment that changed me

This past weekend I participated in the Gift of Life Color Rush 5k in celebration of my mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2012. It’s not really something I talked about too much because it was hard and difficult. Also, the fact that my mom has cancer wasn’t something we wanted floating around time. There was only one thing that mattered and that she was getting the best treatment. Spoiler alert: my mom is cancer free! It’s a blessing.


After spending some time with my mom, I realized I was the reason she got herself checked because I developed healthier habits and changed my life. During my weight loss journey, my mom started going to the gym with me on a regular basis. One particular weekend, my mom had come back from the gym and thought she had strained a muscle in her chest but it was really a lump that we eventually learned was breast cancer.


We made the front page of the Sunday paper yesterday with her story.

The video is the Gift of Life Color Rush celebration of life went down. Please take the time to watch, even if you only watch the first five minutes.:

I know everyone isn’t going to watch the video but I talk about how that moment was a big changing point in my life. This was the biggest wake up call of not knowing what tomorrow would bring. My mom always says at the point of her diagnosis she was the healthiest she had felt in her life and then she got the diagnosis. After my mom was on the right track, I decided I wouldn’t waste any moments in life again. I would live life doing the things that made me happy because I only have on chance at life. I really started traveling for races and things after this point and I’ve had the pleasure of taking my mom along when she wants to go.

Last year we went to Washington DC which was pretty cool because she had never been. It was definitely a moment I’ll forget and I’m truly blessed that she was able to make that trip with me because she is a survivor. I know others haven’t been so lucky and my heart goes out to all those who have lost someone close to them in their lives.

But it changed me and molds me in the person I am today. One moment can change you for a lifetime. How are you going to let those moments mold your future? Don’t waste your life because we only have one go at this thing.

Live life, work hard and dream big!

Late post about the weekend: color, beach and …

Late post about the weekend: color, beach and bread

This past weekend was a little bit of fun. We had plans to go to New Orleans before a little business meeting on Sunday, but the storm kind of put a nail in that coffin for us. But I was glad I was able to stay in town and walk with my mom at the Julie Rogers Gift of Life Color Rush. This time last year my mom was starting her chemo and this year she’s cancer free. How awesome is that? It’s been a long hard year but she went through it all like a trooper. Thank goodness for…

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