The day after Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving yesterday. I was hosting this year which took up a lot of time.  It was hard to keep up with everything and keep blogging.  I’ll give you the short version of the holiday.  On Wednesday night, we had a little get together with some friends.  I didn’t get a chance to take pictures because I was running around like a crazy person, but I did get one with my good friend Julie.


You might remember Julie from her story.  Check it out if you haven’t!  She just keeps getting better!

Pictures from yesterday's #turkeytrot. #runchat #running #fitfluential #teamchocolatemilk

On Thanksgiving morning we all went out to run the Turkey Trot!  It was a good time seeing all my friends and pre burning those Thanksgiving calories.  Willie and I both ran the 10K. I ran the 10K in 58:56 which was not my PR but pretty close to it.  I was severely dehydrated.  I couldn’t function.  it’s kind of funny.

Thanksgiving 2014

After that, I had to go home and finish cooking the food.  We had a baked turkey, squash casserole, honey baked ham, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, turnip greens, green bean casserole, potato salad, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls and various pies.  No, we didn’t eat all of that.  I just like to have options.

I also made these trifles.

Everything was so good!  Hosting Thanksgiving is exhausting but totally worth it.  I’m so thankful for everything in my life.  Great husband, family and friends make my life complete along with some awesome blog readers!  I hope you had a great holiday.

Losing the weight. My friend Julie’s weight …

Losing the weight. My friend Julie’s weight loss story.

Everyone has a weight loss story and it’s important to share these stories so others can be inspired, motivated and know they are not alone. Today, I am sharing one of my best friend’s story with you. Julie and I met in high school, she was a sophomore and I was a senior sitting in a sophomore class. We instantly gravitated toward each other and from that day forward we were great friends. We fell out of touch because of a stupid argument after I graduated, but we reconnected 5 or 6 years ago…and continued to this point now. She…

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