Episode #5: So I’m bring the podcast back + getting to know me

Mom Works It Out Podcast by Angela Gillis
Episode #5: So I’m bringing the podcast back + getting to know me
April 8, 2022

Mom Works It Out Podcast by Angela Gillis

Why I’m bringing the podcast back?
My beef with the Apple Watch?
I’m in a reading rut but watching too much TV.

Question of the week: Are you a curious person, or do you take things at face value without asking questions?

Five things to know about me:
These aren’t the basic things she likes to run or lost weight. These are five things that you might not know about me. You have to listen to find out what those five things are.

Follow me:
Instagram // @itsangelagillis
Twitter // @itsangelagillis
YouTube // Angela Gillis
Blog // momworksitout.com